Key Benefits Of DevOps Practices

Here are some benefits of DevOps Practices:

1. Reducing Miscommunications

DevOps ensures proper communication of the operations and the development team so rather than working in silos, they come together and collaborate. This is very different than the Waterfall model of development where the two teams have least communication.

Note: Waterfall model refers to a linear model of developing and deploying applications where engineers works on one thing at a time and both the development and operations team work in silos not considering what the other team is up to.

2. Reducing release time

Consider a situation when developers finish coding but the deployment guide for the operations team is not good enough or well documented enough so operations team struggles deploying therefore, release takes longer. Or a situation when developers finish coding but the feature cannot be deployed because it has a lot of issues so the operations team throws it back with improvement suggestions. Even these kind of miscommunication and back and forth could cause stretching the release periods for days and weeks. DevOps team or DevOps engineer looks into this and create a channel of better communication and collaboration between the two teams to reduce the release time.

3. Reduces Conflicts of interest

In the traditional setup of Waterfall model of development where one team is only responsible for development and other team only for operations, these two have different incentives from the company/startup. These incentives makes it harder for them to work together. Developers want to push out new features fast because that’s their incentive. While operations team want to make sure those changes don’t break anything because operations team is incentivized to maintain stability in production and their main focus is to make sure the application is available doesn’t crash or show errors to the users. DevOps ensures both the team work for a common goal of delivering high quality applications and features in lesser release time rather than teams working for conflicting interests.

4. Reduces the application testing time

In many projects there are separate teams or roles for engineers who test the application changes on different levels like testing just the feature, testing the whole application and testing on multiple environments etc. These tests are mostly done manually. After the manual testing is done the change can be released and even though this may not be done by development or operations role but rather a separate role, this is an important part of the release process and also slows it down considerably. Manual work is slow and error prone, DevOps again comes in and automates the testing process and reduces the time taken for testing the features of the application.

DevOps Best Practices for Kubernetes

DevOps is the hot topic in the market these days. DevOps is a vague term used for wide number of operations, most agreeable defination of DevOps would be that DevOps is an intersection of development and operations. Certain practices need to be followed during the application release process in DevOps for a more streamline workflow, continuous delivery and continuous integration of the code and proper scaling for the application. In this article we will discuss the best DevOps practice you must know as a DevOps engineer/ DevOps enthusiast for Kubernetes in 2023.

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