Key Differences Between Linear Queue and Circular Queue

The table below summarizes the key differences between linear queues and circular queues:

Feature Linear Queue Circular Queue
Structure Linear, with a fixed start and end Circular, with the end connected back to the start
Representation Array or linked list Array or linked list
Memory Utilization Inefficient, can lead to wastage of space Efficient, utilizes all available space
Insertion (Enqueue) Always at the rear At the rear, but wraps around if the end of the array is reached and space is available at the front
Deletion (Dequeue) Always from the front From the front, but wraps around if necessary
Overflow Condition Occurs when the rear reaches the maximum size of the array Occurs when the queue is full and there is no space even after wrapping around
Underflow Condition Occurs when trying to dequeue from an empty queue Occurs when trying to dequeue from an empty queue
Front and Rear Indicators Simple indices indicating the start and end positions Indices that wrap around, requiring modulo operations
Implementation Complexity Simpler More complex due to the need to manage wrapping around
Example Use Cases Simple scenarios where memory usage is not a concern Scenarios where efficient memory usage is critical, such as in systems with limited memory


Choosing between a linear queue and a circular queue depends on specific application requirements. Linear queues are simpler and suitable for scenarios where memory efficiency is not a primary concern. Circular queues, while more complex, offer better memory utilization and are ideal for applications requiring optimal resource usage. Understanding these differences helps developers select the appropriate queue structure, ensuring optimal performance and resource management. real-time systems where continuous data insertion is required.

Difference Between Linear Queue and Circular Queue

Queues are fundamental data structures in computer science that follow the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle. Among the various types of queues, linear queues and circular queues are commonly used. While they share some similarities, they differ significantly in structure and operational efficiency. This article explores the concepts, advantages, disadvantages, and key differences between linear queues and circular queues.

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