Key Factors in Cotton industry growth in Mumbai

  1. Tropical climate, Flat terrains, favorable soil, and coastal humid environment.
  2. Easy transportation by means of Sea, Road, and Railway network.
  3. Availability of Skilled and semi-skilled low-cost labor.
  4. Easy availability of land and raw materials.

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Why cotton textile industries rapidly expanded in Mumbai?

In the year 1854, the first mechanized textile mill had been established in Mumbai and factors that helped in setting it up included skilled labor, availability of raw materials, port of importing certain machinery, favorable weather conditions led to expansion of cotton textile industries in Mumbai. Cotton textile industries were concentrated in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Presently, some of the most important cotton textile industries in India include Panipat, Pondicherry, Ludhiana, Kolkata, Chennai, Kanpur, and so forth.

In both Maharashtra and Gujarat, they were highly populated, which provided for semi-skilled laborers easily. In Ahmedabad, there was easy availability of raw materials as cotton growing industries were close and the land was available easily, the terrain was flat, and the climate very much favorable. The easy transportation of imports and export was possible through the Mumbai port.

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