Key Steps to apply Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design

The various key steps to apply Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design are:

Drawing Attention:

First of all you need to draw the attention of the user to start with the task which you want. This can be performed by designing attention grabbing UI and good attractive headings. New users can get overwhelmed with the UI so for new users the UI can be simple and gradually new things can be added with time. You can also add beginner steps or tutorials for new users having a pleasant welcome.

Allow partial task completion:

After grabbing their attention ask them for participation of the task or consumption of some content. Create a feeling or less friction and allow some form of customization for a feel of uniqueness. Allow them to complete some simple task from the get go or consume the content that you are sure will bring them back. Also save there progress and do not force users to complete the task until a specific goal is reached or until all of the task is completed.

Showcase the progress:

A well timed interruption can put when the users is getting the hang of the content or the product. Their progress can be also be shown using come progress indication or save for later option. This interruption compels the users to come back for more thus increasing the users retention rate. The UI should be designed in way that showcase the users progress without congesting the screen with numbers, add graph, bars or other colourful UI elements.

Timely Reminders:

The users may forget about their partially completed work due to their busy life so, you can add notifications and also send occasional emails to remind their progress. Too frequent notifications or emails may frustrate the users and destroy the Zeigarnik Effect completely. Notification can be customized to make is look different, you can also add specific notification sound differentiating from other apps.

Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design

Users’ attention is critical for today’s competitive field of user experience (UX) design. To achieve this designers might use the Zeigarnik Effect as a powerful method that effectively grabs users’ attention. In this article, we will learn about the Zeigarnik Effect and its applications in UX Design.

Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design

Table of Content

  • What is the Zeigarnik Effect?
  • Applications of the Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design
  • How to use Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design?
  • Key Steps to apply Zeigarnik Effect in UX Design
  • Conclusion

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The Zeigarnik Effect provides UX designers with a powerful tool to improve user engagement and user retention. Applying it strategically can create experiences for users which makes them come back for more, thus leading to a more successful and satisfying product. Use the Zeigarnik Effect ethically to avoid creating frustration or feelings of manipulation by creating a well-rounded and user-centered experience....