Khanqahs and Silsilas

By the eleventh century, Sufism had developed into a structured movement with a body of literature focusing on Quranic studies and Sufi practices. Institutionally, Sufis began organizing communities around hospices or khanqahs, overseen by a teaching master known as a shaikh (in Arabic), pir, or murshid (in Persian). The shaikh enrolled disciples, called murids, and appointed a successor, known as a khalifa. He established guidelines for spiritual conduct and interactions among inmates as well as between laypersons and the master.

Sufi silsilas, or spiritual lineages, began to take shape in various parts of the Islamic world around the twelfth century. The term silsila, meaning “chain,” symbolized the continuous connection between master and disciple, tracing back as an unbroken spiritual genealogy to the Prophet Muhammad. Through this lineage, spiritual power and blessings were believed to be transmitted to devotees. Special initiation rituals were developed, involving pledges of allegiance, wearing of a distinctive garment, and shaving of the hair.

Upon the death of the shaikh, his tomb-shrine, known as a dargah, became the focal point of devotion for his followers. This led to the practice of pilgrimage, or ziyarat, to his grave, particularly on his death anniversary or urs (or “marriage”), symbolizing the union of his soul with God. People believed that saints, in death, were united with God and therefore closer to Him than in life. They sought the blessings of the saint to attain both material and spiritual benefits. Thus, the cult of the shaikh evolved, revered as a wali, or friend of God.

Chapter 6 The Growth of Sufism| Class 12 History Notes

Sufism is a mystical and ascetic form of Islam. It has played a big role in shaping the spiritual landscape of the Islamic world. In this article, you will get detailed notes on The Growth of Sufism from Chapter 6 of your Class 12 History textbook.

Chapter 6 The Growth of Sufism| Class 12 History Notes

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