Kubernetes ConfigMaps

What are the limitations of ConfigMap?

Constraints on ConfigMaps include the inability to store binary data directly, the size limit of 1 MiB for individual entries, and the lack of data encryption. Additionally, because they lack encryption, they are not appropriate for storing private or sensitive data.

How Terraform and Kubernetes work together?

Terraform provisions and manages infrastructure resources, including Kubernetes clusters, while Kubernetes orchestrates containerized applications within those clusters, allowing seamless integration and automation of infrastructure deployment and management.

How do I create a ConfigMap from multiple files?

To create a ConfigMap from multiple files, you can use the kubectl create configmap command with the --from-file flag followed by the directory containing the files. Each file in the directory will be represented as a key-value pair in the ConfigMap.

What is a ConfigMap in deployment?

A ConfigMap in deployment refers to a Kubernetes resource used to store configuration data separately from application code. It allows you to decouple configuration settings, such as environment variables or configuration files, from the deployment artifacts, enabling easier management and flexibility in configuration updates.

How do I copy a ConfigMap from one namespace to another?

To copy a ConfigMap from one namespace to another in Kubernetes, you can use the kubectl get command to retrieve the ConfigMap data from the source namespace and then apply it to the target namespace using the kubectl apply command with the --namespace flag set to the target namespace.

Kubernetes – ConfigMaps

An open-source container orchestration system called Kubernetes is primarily used for automated software deployment, scaling, and management. Another name for Kubernetes is K8s. Originally developed by Google, Kubernetes is now managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Although it now supports both containers and CRI-O alongside the Docker runtime, it was originally intended to interact. Automating container-managed operational tasks is the primary goal of Kubernetes. There are built-in commands for deploying the application and rolling out the desired changes to the application. It is currently used by companies such as Google, Spotify, and Capital One.

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What are Kubernetes ConfigMaps?

In Kubernetes, Configmap is an API object that is mainly used to store non-confidential data. The data that is stored in ConfigMap is stored as key-value pairs. ConfigMaps are configuration files that may be used by pods as command-line arguments, environment variables, or even as configuration files on a disc. This feature allows us to decouple environment-specific configuration from our container images, after this is done, our applications are easily portable. The thing to be noted here is that ConfigMap does not provide any sort of secrecy or encryption, so it is advised to store non-confidential data only We can use secrets to store confidential data....

What is a Kubernetes ConfigMap used for?

We know that ConfigMap is an API object that is mainly used to store non-confidential data or configurations for other objects to use. Most of the Kubernetes objects have a specification, but ConfigMap has data and binary data fields. Key value pairs are accepted by these fields as values. The data field is used to store UTF-8 strings, while the binary data field is used to store binary data as base64-encoded strings. A valid DNS subdomain name should be given to ConfigMap. The key value that is recorded in the data field and the key value in the binaryData field cannot both be the same....

Where are ConfigMaps stored in Kubernetes?

ConfigMaps in Kubernetes are stored as API objects within the Kubernetes cluster’s etcd datastore. They are managed by the Kubernetes API server and can be accessed and manipulated using the kubectl command-line tool or Kubernetes API....

How to use Kubernetes ConfigMaps – Examples

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Understanding ConfigMap Updates

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Kubernetes ConfigMaps – FAQs

What are the limitations of ConfigMap?...