Kubernetes Deployment Spec

It mainly consists of three components:

  1. Metadata: It consists of the name and labels for the configuration file. The labels are used for establishing the connection between deployment and services.
  2. Specification: It consists of information regarding the number of replicas, selector labels, and template that is the blueprint for pods. The template itself is like a configuration file for pods and consists of metadata and specification for pods that stores information regarding the containers to be used in the pod, the image to be used for building the container, and the name and ports of the container.
  3. Status: This component is automatically generated and added by Kubernetes. This is the basis of the self-healing feature of Kubernetes. If the desired status and actual status of a deployment do not match Kubernetes fixes the pod and matches it with the desired status.

What is Kubernetes Deployment?

Kubernetes is an open-source Container Management tool that automates container deployment, container scaling, descaling, and container load balancing (also called as container orchestration tool). It is written in Golang and has a huge community because it was first developed by Google and later donated to CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation). Deployment is an abstraction layer over pods. It is like a blueprint for creating pods. 

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Kubernetes Deployment

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Kubernetes Deployment Spec

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Command to Scale a Kubernets Deployment

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Pausing and Resuming a rollout of a Kubernets Deployment

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Kubernets Deployment Status

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Progressing Kubernets Deployment

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Complete Kubernets Deployment

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Failed Kubernets Deployment

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Kubernets Canary Deployment

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Benefits of Kubernetes Deployments

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Use Cases of Kubernetes Deployments

Rollout a ReplicaSet: A Kubernetes deployment generates a replica set a pod that contains information regarding the number of pos to be generated in the background. Declaring a New State of Pods: On updating pod template spec a new replica set is created and deployment moves pods from the old replica set to the new replica set. Scaling: Deployment can be configured to scale up to facilitate more load. Status of Deployment: It can be used to check if the deployment is stuck somewhere by matching the current status with the desired status. Cleaning up old Replica Sets that are no more required....

ReplicaSets vs Deployments

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FAQs On Kubernetes Deployment

Is Kubernetes a Container or VM?...