Label Element

  • Accessibility: Essential for screen readers, providing context and also ensures understanding, especially for visually impaired users.
  • Persistent Information: Use <label> for permanent, visible descriptions. Vital for maintaining information visibility.


<label for="username">Username:</label>
<input type="text" id="username" name="username">

When to use the placeholder attribute and the label Element ?

The placeholder attribute and the <label> serve different purposes in providing hints and information for form fields.

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placeholder Attribute:

Input Format Guidance: Use placeholder to provide a brief example or format hint inside text, email, or password fields. Helpful for indicating the expected input without cluttering the form. Non-essential Information: Ideal for supplementary, non-critical information that doesn’t need a permanent label. Commonly used in search bars or short input fields. Conserving Space: Suitable for situations where saving space is crucial, as placeholders are visible within the input field....

Label Element:

Accessibility: Essential for screen readers, providing context and also ensures understanding, especially for visually impaired users. Persistent Information: Use