
Natural resources such as land, water, minerals, and forests are examples of land resources that are employed in the creation of goods and services. Several economic activities, such as agriculture, mining, forestry, and building, rely on land resources. These resources are finite and must be managed and conserved properly to ensure their long-term availability.


  • Agricultural land is used to grow crops and raise livestock.
  • Forests used for logging and animal conservation.
  • Body of water utilized for fishing, transportation, and recreation.
  • Gold, copper, and coal are examples of industrial minerals.

How is human resource different from other resources like land and physical capital?

In an economy, the three fundamental components of production are human resources, land, and physical capital. The availability and efficient usage of these resources play a significant role in the economic growth and development of a nation. Human resources differ from land and physical capital in that they are intangible and have the ability to grow, learn, and create.

How Human Resources different from Other Resources?

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Human Resources Vs Land and Physical Capital

Resource           Definition  Examples  Key Characteristics Land  Natural resources are found on or beneath the Earth’s surface.  Forests, minerals, oil, and natural gas.  It is a fixed resource and cannot be created or destroyed. Physical Capital Tangible assets are used in the production of goods and services. Machinery, equipment, buildings.  It can be created and destroyed, and its value depreciates over time Human Resource The knowledge, skills, and abilities of people are used to produce goods and services. Labor, talent, education.  It is a flexible resource that can be developed and enhanced through education and training....

Key Differences

Human resources are malleable and may be developed and improved via education and training, whereas land and physical capital are not. Human resources can think, make decisions, and innovate, whereas land and physical capital cannot. Human resources can be transported from one area to another, while land and physical capital are not. Only human resources have a direct impact on the quality of goods and services produced; land and physical capital have an indirect impact....


Resources like land and physical capital cannot compare to the tangibility, growth potential, and inherent value of human resources. They are an essential resource for economic growth and development, and their effective use can benefit society greatly....

FAQs on Human Resources

Q 1. What are human resources?...