
Laravel, released in 2011 is one of the best frameworks in PHP, free, open-source, and very popular PHP frameworks wherein you can build customizable web applications. Pfizer, Tour Radar, and BBC are some companies that use Laravel as their server-side development language. It is well known because of its secure handling of complex web applications. It offers a vast ecosystem and simplifies the process of frameworks in PHP development by lowering the complexity of sessions, queuing, routing, caching, and authentication. It has more than 20 built-in libraries which makes the development of the web easier. With Laravel, automating tasks that were done manually is quick.

Features of Laravel

  • Scalable and Secure
  • Functionality packages
  • Email Integration system
  • Highly active community
  • Supports MVC architecture

10 Best PHP Frameworks For Web Development [2024]

A PHP framework is a toolbox for building websites or web applications. It provides a bunch of ready-to-use tools and rules that help developers build websites more easily and quickly. It is like having a set of templates and shortcuts that make the coding process smoother and faster.

A PHP framework gives developers a set of guidelines, tools, and pre-made components to build websites and web applications. It saves time because we don’t have to start from scratch each time. We can use the framework’s tools to handle things like user logins, database connections, and web page layouts, making the development process smoother and faster.

Top PHP Frameworks 2024 is the Progressive time of web development, PHP framework remains a foundation language, powering a significant portion of the internet’s dynamic content. Yet, using the best PHP framework with full potential often requires the assistance of frameworks and options available, selecting the best framework in PHP web development can be a daunting task

In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey to uncover the top PHP frameworks in 2024 that stand as pillars in the web development landscape. From robust MVC architectures to elegant templating engines, each framework in PHP brings unique strengths to the table, catering to diverse project requirements and developer preferences.

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Top Frameworks in PHP for Web Development

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Laravel, released in 2011 is one of the best frameworks in PHP, free, open-source, and very popular PHP frameworks wherein you can build customizable web applications. Pfizer, Tour Radar, and BBC are some companies that use Laravel as their server-side development language. It is well known because of its secure handling of complex web applications. It offers a vast ecosystem and simplifies the process of frameworks in PHP development by lowering the complexity of sessions, queuing, routing, caching, and authentication. It has more than 20 built-in libraries which makes the development of the web easier. With Laravel, automating tasks that were done manually is quick....


Symfony, which was released in 2005, is a modular-based PHP frameworks that is an ideal framework for large-scale corporate applications. Also, the best thing about Symfony is within a click, deployment is done. Moreover, setup and configuration are also easy. Popular projects that use Symfony are Drupal8, publish, eZ, and Open Sky. Being an extensive PHP frameworks, it also has high community support. Due to the extensive availability of libraries and components, it is generally the first choice of developers. It allows integration with other vendor libraries and this is why Symfony should be the preferred choice if you want to create flexible and feature-rich applications....

Laminas (Formerly Zend)

Released in 2006, Laminas is an open-source and object-oriented PHP frameworks list helping developers to provide high-quality apps to business-oriented customers. It is customizable and can integrate with external libraries, unlike other frameworks. The main intention to use it is security, speed, and performance. It has collaborated with companies like IBM, Google, and Microsoft. It comprises three parts namely components and MVC, Mezzio, and API tools....


CodeIgniter, released in 2006, is another popular and lightweight PHP frameworks and has the smallest footprints (file size of 2MB, including documentation). This PHP framework list offers error handling and is the perfect one to create dynamic websites. It offers prebuilt modules that help in creating reusable and robust components. It has a library that has a simple interface and requires a logical structure to access. The latest version of the framework is merely 1.2MB in size. Firms like Udemy, QuinStreet, Adobe, and Medical Guardian use this framework....


CakePHP, released in 2005, is the easiest and most open-source framework following MVC architecture. It has a set of libraries and components that help in creating commercial applications quickly. Implementation of CRUD operations is quite easy in this framework. It uses the CoC (convention over configuration) approach which explains about coding guidelines developers need to follow. The updated version 4.0 brought a skeleton design and provides APIs for the rapid development of applications. Earlier companies like MBW, Hyundai, and Express were attracted by the framework....


Released in 2008, Yii which means “Yes, It is” in Chinese is a simple, fast, and component-based PHP frameworks that comes with excellent speed and performance, best for developing modern web applications. It is indeed a strict object-oriented PHP framework and requires knowledge of all OOPS concepts. It offers a powerful class code generator, named Gii. It also follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) concept which makes it suitable for large-scale applications. Websites that use YII are Deloitte and General Electric....


Released in 2012, Phalcon is a PHP full-stack framework that is flexible, fast, and whose development style is based on C and C++. Its uniqueness is that it is as fast as lightning was written C and also comes with a C-extension. However, it comes with an extensive development option to develop flawless web apps. Asset management, universal autoloader, and caching are some of the prominent features this framework has. 34 organizations use the Phalcon framework for development, some of them being, Urban Sports Club, the Proshore, and Edureka....


Released in 2011, FuelPHP is a full-featured, flexible PHP framework that comes with an HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) architecture. Using HMVC, there’s no need for duplicate content to display on several pages, hence it takes up less time and consumes less memory. With great community support, FuelPHP takes security measures seriously and provides seven security features. It is the best option if you’re working on a project where security is a major concern. Companies reportedly using FuelPHP are Spookies, InventoryBase, and Amitum....


Released in 2012, Pixie is a full-stack PHP frameworks and follows HMVC architecture. Using Pixie, the developers build highly optimized web applications. With huge active community support, upgrades are possible in Pixie which adds new features to it leading to high-performance products. the components in PHPPixie are 100% unit-tested and require minimum dependencies. It comes with a routing system which makes it impressive. Companies that integrate with Pixie are Amazon EKS, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Google Kubernetes Engine....


Released in 2010, Slim is a simple yet powerful framework that focuses majorly on HTTP requests and responses. It is a lightweight micro-framework used for developing RESTful APIs and services. Being 4.10 as the latest version, Slim comes with major changes in PSR-7 updates and interfaces. It has immense features such as session, URL routing, client-side HTTP caching, and cookie encryption—firms like E-commerce, HHEY, PathMotion, Directus, and WebbyLab....


PHP framework is commonly used for Web development and its frameworks play a very important role in simplifying the overall process of development workflow. So a developer needs to choose the right php framework list that suits the requirements of the project and makes the process faster. In the article, we have discussed the top php frameworks 2024 that are commonly used by developers and have unique capabilities that are used in different kinds of applications, so a developer needs to know about the features of those php framework list which have also been discussed above....

PHP Frameworks For Web Development – FAQs

Which framework is better for PHP?...