Largest Cities in the World

Q1. Which is the Largest City in the World by Area?

The largest city in the world by area is Moscow, Russia. Moscow has a total area of 2,511 square kilometers (965 square miles), which makes it larger than many small countries. It is also one of the most densely populated cities in the world, with a population of over 12 million people.

Q2. Which city has the Highest Density of people in 2022?

With 30,093 inhabitants per square kilometer, Dhaka (Bangladesh) topped the list of cities with the highest population density in 2022. Monaco is the world’s most populous state when it comes to countries.

Q3. How is the Population of a City Determined?

The population of a city is typically determined through a census, which is a count of all the residents within a specific geographic area. The census can be conducted by the government or other authorized organizations and is usually conducted every few years.

Q4. How does the Population of a City Change Over Time?

The population of a city can change over time due to a variety of factors such as migration, birth rates, and death rates. If more people move into a city than leave it, the population will increase. Conversely, if more people leave a city than move into it, the population will decrease. Birth rates and death rates also play a role in a city’s population growth or decline.

Q5. Which city has the Highest Population in the world in 2022?

With a population of 37,274,000, Tokyo tops the list of world cities. Despite a respectable amount of people residing in the megacity, Tokyo’s population growth has recently slowed. The population of the city decreases by 0.09 percent from 2018 to 2019 to 0.18 percent from 2021 to 2022.

Q6. Which is the 10 largest city of the world?

10 Biggest Cities Around the Globe:

  1. Tokyo
  2. Delhi
  3. Shanghai
  4. São Paulo
  5. Mexico City
  6. Cairo
  7. Dhaka
  8. Mumbai
  9. Beijing
  10. Osaka

Q7. Which is the biggest city in world?

Tokyo, Japan, is Earth’s biggest city in terms of population. It is home to 37.4 million people—over four times New York City’s population. It spans 13,452km², with an average of 2,642 people per square kilometer across the Greater Tokyo Area.

Top 10 Largest Cities in the World by Area [2024]

As of October 2023, Tokyo, the capital of Japan is the most populous city in the world with over 37 million inhabitants. India’s New Delhi and China’s Shanghai rank 2nd and 3rd respectively.

The biggest cities in the world are usually considered centers of culture, economy, and politics. In this article, we will learn about the ranked list of the Largest Cities in the World in 2023 by their size in terms of population and area and the distinct features of each city that make them stand out.

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1. Tokyo, Japan


2. Delhi, India


3. Shanghai, China


4. Sao Paulo, Brazil


5. Mexico City, Mexico


6. Cairo, Egypt


7. Dhaka, Bangladesh


8. Mumbai, India


9. Beijing, China


10. Osaka, Japan


Final Words

The world’s top 10 big cities in the world are all distinct and varied, each with its own culture, history, and economy. In this article, we will discussed the ranking of the largest Cities in the World in 2023 by their size in terms of population and area along with the interesting features of each city that make them unique....

Largest Cities in the World – FAQs

Q1. Which is the Largest City in the World by Area?...