Latin American Independence- Background

Latin American Independence movements emerged in the early 19th century, fueled by Enlightenment ideals and resentment towards colonial rule. Influenced by events like the American and French Revolutions, figures like Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín led campaigns across the region. By 1825, most Spanish and Portuguese colonies had achieved independence, reshaping the political landscape of Latin America and inspiring nationalist sentiments across the globe.

Pre-Columbian Latin America (10,000 BCE-1500BCE)

  • Before the discovery of Latin America by Christopher Columbus, many indigenous civilizations such as Aztecs, Maya, and Incas used to be the natives of the landmass.
  • During this period society had a structured political, social, and economic system
  • Evidence related to advanced agriculture methods has been found. During that time these groups used to cultivate maize, squash, potatoes, beans, etc. Also, they have advanced irrigation systems, terrace farming, and crop rotation methods to support their population.
  • Many cities, temples, and other monumental architectures were built during the period, evidence of which can be seen in the citadel of Machu Picchu, the Mayan cities of Tikal and Chichen Itza.
  • Indigenous culture has developed intrinsic arts, and complex writing systems such as Maya hieroglyphs, pottery, sculpture, and textiles
  • Trade practices were followed by the exchange of cacao, feathers, gold, and textiles built in a huge trading network.
  • During this era, people used to worship nature in the form of gods and agriculture and their rituals used to be associated with the agricultural practice and produce.

Latin America Colonial Period (1492-1700)

In 1492, with the first voyage of Christopher Columbus, interest of European power shifted toward the newly discovered America. Later, the exploration by Europe resulted in Colonisation in Latin America and the end of pre-Columbian empires.

Spanish Colonisation

  • Emergence of Spanish Colonies
    • During the late 15th century, under the Queen Isabella and King Ferenand II, span started its exploration of colonization in America.
    • Spanish rulers initiated their expedition to colonise America starting with Caribbeanian Islands
    • Later conquering Aztec-Empire in 1521, Spain invaded present day Mexico and Inca empire in South America.
    • In 1532, Present day peru was taken under colonial governance by Spain on defeating Inca empire.
  • Changes occur under Spanish Colonization
    • Spanish government on establishing colonialisation vested the ruling authority to theSpanish Royals.
    • The colonies were divided in viceroyalties which were governed by Spanish crown. Also authorities and courts were form to administer justice, enforcement of law and regulation.
    • Spanish settlers got control over the indigenous people and they were exploited for exchange of protection and religious conversion.Also class system was created by discriminating indigenous people and african slave from poor blood Snaish population.
    • Natural resources of latin america were also exploited through mining silver and establishing large scale plantation of sugar, tobacco cacao.
    • Monopolisation was established in the colonial trade by restricting trading in favour of Spanish colonial government.
    • The native indigenous people were forced to follow christianity by establsihing missions and convents. Also, as an impact of colonisation, Spanish became the dominant in language culture, and architecture leaving a lasting effect on American society.

Portugal Colonisation

  • Emergence of Portugal CPortuguese
    • Portugese rule in Latin America was initiated in Brazil, which was the largest colony established by Portugal invaders.
    • In early 1500, portugal explorar discovered Brazil, and claimed the territory of Portugul. Major reason for colonising this part of land was brazilian wood.
    • The colonial administration of Brazil was administered by the official appointed by oversea governance.Trade posts were established in the coast
  • Changes During Portugal’s Colonisation
    • The colonial government established sugar plantation as Brazil’s economy was dependent on sugar cultivation.
    • The discovery of gold and minerals let to the gold rush in 17th and 18th century.Also,The colonial government used the indigenous people and african people as their slaves to work as labourer.
    • There was a trade monopoly established by the Portugal, restricting other european power by the mercantalism system
    • In this region of Brazil, Portugal colonies were forces to convert and follow catholicism, establishing missions, churches and religious order.

French Colonisation

  • Along with Spain and Portugues, France made many attempts establish french colonies in the northern part of America(Canada), but it short-lived.
  • One of the significant colony of france was the Haithi. This colony was the wealthiest in the Caribbean due to sugar and coffee plantations.
  • Guiana which was used for free settlement and other colonies like Guadeloupe were also exploited extensively for sugar production by french colonial government appointed by overseas rules.

History of Latin American Independence: Timeline, and Summary

Latin American Independence, history, and timeline play an important role in the socio-political scenario of current American society. The pre-colonial period when many indigenous groups used to rule over the land, then the discovery of America leading to European invasion, and lately the revolution against the exploitation and suppression of the lower classes of society had a direct impact on the present governance ideology, social issues, and demographical structure of America. Also, all these events are responsible for the formation of present-day America. So to understand the vast Continent, one must learn about its history.

Table of Content

  • Latin American Independence- Background
  • Latin American Independence Timeline
  • Cause of Latin American Independence in 19th Century
  • Latin American Independence Leaders
  • Revolutions in Latin America
  • Post-Independence of Latin American Independence
  • FAQ on Latin America Independence: Timeline, Summary, Movement

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FAQ on Latin America Independence: Timeline,Summary, Movement with Map

When did Latin america become independent?...