Legacy of the Age of Exploration

Because of the Age of Exploration, many legacies were left behind. Here are some of the legacies:

1. Making Friends Around the World

During the Age of Exploration, people from far-off locations began learning about each other. They traded goods, shared ideas, and even discovered new technology from one another. This helped in building networks that connected different parts of the world.

2. Building Big Empires

Exploration also resulted in powerful nations like those in Europe building large empires by taking over lands in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. However, this often came at a cost for the native individuals who lived there. Many of them lost their homes, were mistreated, and had their cultures threatened.

3. Discovering New Things

Explorers during this time made important discoveries in science. They found new types of plants and animals, drew maps of places no one knew existed before, and learned more about how the world works.

4. Making Money Moves

Exploration was a big boost for making money. It created new ways to trade goods and find markets to sell things. This led to the growth of businesses and the idea of making a profit. It was like laying the groundwork for today’s economy.

5. Better Boats and Tools

The Age of Exploration also pushed people to make better ships, maps, and tools for sailing and exploring. This made long trips across the sea safer and faster. Innovations like the compass and stronger ships made exploration easier.

Age of Exploration : Reason, Impact & Legacy

The Age of Exploration happened between the 15th and 17th centuries. There was a need for new routes and discoveries which led the adventurous sailors from Europe to go on interesting trips to new lands. They went on these trips to get wealthy, spread faith, or simply explore.

Table of Content

  • List of Well-Known Explorers
  • Why was there an Age of Exploration?
  • Positive Impacts of the Age of Exploration
  • Negative Impacts of the Age of Exploration
  • Economic Impact of the Age of Exploration
  • What were the social and political changes in the world due to the Age of Exploration?
  • Legacy of the Age of Exploration

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FAQs – Age of Exploration

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