Legal and Government Acknowledgment – Sarna Dharma

Recognizing the cultural and religious significance of the Sarna tradition, the Indian government has taken several steps:

  1. Recognition as a Distinct Religion: In some states, including Jharkhand, Sarna Dharma has received recognition as a separate religion. This recognition allows practitioners to officially declare their faith as Sarna.
  2. Protection of Sacred Groves: Various states have implemented legislation to safeguard sacred groves and other natural sites of religious significance.
  3. Constitutional Safeguards: The Indian Constitution provides specific protections for the rights and culture of Scheduled Tribes, a category that includes many Sarna practitioners.
  4. Inclusion in Census Data: The Indian census includes a separate code for Sarna Dharma, enabling practitioners to self-identify as Sarna during the census.

What is Sarna Dharma?

Sarna Dharma, also known as Sarna Religion, is a sacred belief system practiced by various indigenous communities across India, mainly in states like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, and northeastern regions. It represents a unique spiritual and cultural identity for these communities and serves as a way to protect their traditions in the face of modernization and external influences.

Table of Content

  • Historical Roots of Sarna Dharma
  • Sarna Dharma Code
  • Core Beliefs and Practices of Sarna Dharma
  • Challenges faced by Sarna Dharma
  • Legal and Government Acknowledgment – Sarna Dharma

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FAQs on Sarna Dharma

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