Legal Aspects of Cookie Tracking

A discussion of cookies’ functions and practical use in tracking activities of users would not be complete without an understanding of legal perspectives associated with their utilization.

Some of the rules and policies that apply to the use of cookies, particularly tracking cookies are provided for under laws meant to protect the privacy of users.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): In the European Union particularly, the GDPR has provisions that demand that a website should not place cookies on any user’s browser without his or her consent for cookies that are not necessary for the proper functioning of the site such as the tracking cookies.
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): CCPA act of United States: CCPA act grants California residents the right to know what personal data is being collected and the right to opt-out from the sale of their personal information.
  • ePrivacy Directive (EU Cookie Law): This directive requires every website to provide information about the deployment of cookies and seek prior permission from the user to install cookies on the device.

What are Tracking Cookies and How to Block Them?

A Tracking Cookie is an HTTP cookie implemented to attain data on an individual’s usage. These track user activity across multiple sites through tracking cookies as opposed to improving the shopping cart, login information, and other content that is rendered on a website through actual cookies. Next with the help of this data, the companies can use it for advertising, product recommendations, and evaluations.

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What is Tracking Cookies?

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Uses of Tracking Cookies

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How to Remove Tracking Cookies

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Are Tracking Cookies Dangerous?

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Legal Aspects of Cookie Tracking

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Tracking cookies that are used to measure and analyze the behavior of visitors to websites is a widespread method of monitoring internet activity. Although it improves the user experience by way of personalized content creation, some also lead to privacy violations. By realizing how tracking cookies operate and making use of the different approaches to blocking them, users will be able to employ some of the main ways of ensuring their online privacy....

What are Tracking Cookies and How to Block Them? -FAQs

What do marketers use tracking cookies for?...