Lenz’s Law Experiment

Lenz’s law provides the direction of the induced electromotive force and current induced in the closed circuit. The experiments proved by Lenz to state its theory are,

The image given below shows a metallic conductor placed in a magnetic field.


First Experiment

First experiment by Lenz proved that the current flowing in the coil produces a magnetic field in the circuit and the strength of the magnetic field increases with an increase in the strength of the induced current. Also, this magnetic field produced opposes the original magnetic field i.e. the direction of the induced current is opposite to the original magnetic field.

Second Experiment

Second experiment by Lenz states that the iron rod wound by the current-carrying wire and its left end behave as N-pole if moves towards the coil an induced current is produced in the coil.

Third Experiment

Third experiment by Lenz states that if the coil is pulled towards the magnetic flux, the magnetic flux linked with the coil decreases as the area of the coil inside the magnetic field decreases. Now the induced current in the same direction opposes the motion of the coil according to Lenz’s law.

From the above experiments,  we can conclude that the current is produced when the magnet exerts the force in the loop and to resist the change, the current exerts a force on the magnet.

What is Electromagnetic Induction?

It is the phenomenon of production of induced emf due to a change of magnetic flux (number of magnetic field lines) connected to a closed circuit called electromagnetic induction.

Lenz’s Law

Lenz law was given by the German scientist Emil Lenz in 1834 this law is based on the principle of conservation of energy and is in accordance with Newton’s third law. Lenz law is used to give the direction of induced current in the circuit.

In this article, let’s learn about Lenz law its formula, experiments, and others.

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