Libraries vs Frameworks

It is a common misconception that libraries and frameworks are the same. Well, they are not. A library is just a tool within a framework.

Libraries consist of a set of components that can serve a particular purpose. Whereas a framework consists of many tools and libraries that make the development process easy with fewer errors.

Libraries serve only a particular functionality whereas a framework gives a set of tools and functionalities to developers for developing an application.

What is a Framework?

Whenever you work with any programming language, you might hear about various frameworks based on that language. When you work on software, you might use any framework to enhance the quality of your application. Frameworks provide many advantages to the developers and reduce the time and effort required in the development process. They enable developers to write clean code that is easily understandable by others.

They even provide many tools for developing, debugging, and testing to ease application development. There are many kinds of frameworks like web development frameworks which consist of backend and frontend frameworks, mobile application development frameworks, and data science frameworks.

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Web Development Frameworks

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Libraries vs Frameworks

It is a common misconception that libraries and frameworks are the same. Well, they are not. A library is just a tool within a framework....


Frameworks provide a complete environment to developers that consist of various tools and functionalities required to develop applications and research projects. It is essential to understand your project requirements first and figure out which programming language and corresponding framework would ideally suit your requirements. Each framework is built for a different purpose and provides different features. You need to have basic knowledge about the chosen programming language in order to efficiently work with the framework. Frameworks allow developers to work on the application logic rather than focusing on minute details and writing basic functionalities....

FAQs on Framework

1. Which framework is used in Java?...