Life Journey of Guru Nanak Dev

He pointed toward making a casteless society in which there is no ordered hierarchy. There is just a single god – a precept that is focused on in the adage ‘Ik Onkar’. This is the phrase utilized in Sikhism that one Supreme Being controls the universe. 

He was an unprecedented kid with recognized divine elegance. His thoughts were not the same as others and he would not participate in traditional religious rituals. He upheld the ‘Nirguna’ (commitment to; love of and worship of formless divine) type of bhakti. He additionally stood up against different predominant social works including the Caste System, excessive admiration, and the love of demi-Gods. Respect for women and gender equality are maybe the main illustrations that should be gained from Guru Nanak’s lessons. Guru Nanak was worshiped by the two Hindus and Muslims all throughout the Earth, and many individuals beyond Sikh confidence actually respect him today.

He set up rules for congregational love (Sangat) including aggregate recitation. His sections additionally speak about the sacrificial support of humankind, thriving, and civil rights for all, independent of contrasts. He established three mainstays of Sikhism in particular “Naam Japna”, “Kirat Karni”, and “Vand Chakna”. The idea of god is ‘Waheguru’, an element that is ill-defined, ageless, inescapable, and imperceptible. Different names for God in the Sikh confidence are Akaal Purakh and Nirankar. Many trust Sikhism to be a scaffold between Hinduism and Islam.

Guru Nanak’s idea of “Sabna Jiya Ka Ek Data” is pertinent even today and can handle these issues in the general public. “Sabna Jiya Ka Ek Data “signifies the entire world is God’s creation and all are conceived equivalent. There is just a single widespread God for example “Ik Onkar Satnaam.” Aside from that, Guru Nanak Dev’s lessons are fixated on pardoning, resistance, restraint, and thoughtfulness. 

Guru Nanak’s concept of equity can be assumed from his inventive social foundations:

  • Langar (Common kitchenette): Collective cooking.
  • Pangat (Holy gathering): Sharing food without qualification and separation of caste.
  • Sangat (General Meeting): Collective independent decision-making.

Baba Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak dev ji is referred to as the founder of the religion Sikhism, and Guru Nanak is referred to as the first preacher (Guru) of Sikhism. The message of equality, brotherhood, and compassion are some of the important messages preached by Guru Nanak. There is a synthesis of both Hinduism and Islam in the teachings of Guru Nanak and the earlier influences like Baba Kabir, Baba Farid, and so on.

Baba Guru Nanak

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