Limitation of Proof of Stake (PoS) Mechanism

The Proof of stake (PoS) was developed to make mining easier and faster along with efficient use of resources as compared to Proof of Work (PoW).

  • Any miner can mine a coin by validating blocks of transactions and this depends on how many coins the node’s wallets hold based on which reward is given. 
  • So, the more coins the node has the more right it has to validate any transaction and mine the block. 
  • Even though PoS is more eco-friendly, cheap, and fast than PoW, but still PoS concept has a problem where richer gets richer based on the coins they hold so Proof of Importance has been developed to minimize this disadvantage of PoS. 

Proof of Importance (PoI) in Blockchain

Blockchain technology generated interest in the public with its first application, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin developed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Since then, the application of Blockchain has made great strides in academia, business, and society. Blockchain is a decentralized distributed network in which transactions happening is regarded as safe and verified without any control by a central authority. But since there is a huge volume of transactions occurring there is a requirement for a consensus mechanism running at the core of the blockchain network to establish a common acceptance of the network’s real state among all peers. Among many consensus mechanisms that have been developed Proof of Importance is one such mechanism developed to overcome the shortcomings of the Proof of Stake mechanism developed for the Ethereum blockchain. 

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Benefits of Proof of Importance (PoI)

Energy Efficient: In a blockchain network those who use Proof of Work (PoW) have an unfair advantage over other nodes in terms of high computing power for mining blocks. These POW systems also harm the environment by consuming very high amounts of electricity and burdening miners with expensive power bills, whereas the Proof of Importance (PoI) is very energy efficient.  Avoid coin hoarding and encourages transaction: The Proof of Stake (PoS) system concentrates wealth among a few nodes since users can simply hoard as many coins as possible and reap the rewards from block creation. The more coins they keep in their accounts, the more they earn. So, everyone has the incentive to save coins instead of spending them thereby discouraging transactions and the rich getting richer. The importance score will be higher when nodes spread XEM coins and lower in case they hoard the coins, thereby proof of Importance (PoI) mechanism is very suitable. Lower Incentive: As the miners in the Proof of Importance mechanism are not required to mine blocks like in Proof of Work by using high computation power and heavy power consumption, the incentive given as rewards for adding blocks to the blockchain network also need not be higher as in Proof of Work mechanism. This helps greatly in reducing the transaction fees that are applied for validation by the miners. Discourages Forks: In traditional PoS mechanisms the marginal cost of creating a block is zero and users can continue effortlessly validating blocks in the event of a fork. But, in Proof of Importance, each node’s importance score is based on network activity and dynamic. So, this discourages the blockchain forks as the new user needs to expend resources on both forked networks to remain active to maintain their score....


Even though all consensus algorithms share the same purpose which is to achieve consensus within a decentralized network, these mechanisms differ in the way they achieve consensus. Although ideal consensus does not exist it is important to note that consensus mechanisms have developed and adapted in the long term to meet the ever-changing needs of a system. So, it is important to choose the most suitable mechanism based on the network requirements. Proof of Importance (PoI) is one such mechanism that aims at providing fair consensus even though it still favors the rich node in the network. But one striking feature of PoI is that it allows an individual to determine how much money is required in order to begin receiving rewards. So, in the future, another consensus will be developed with an aim to remove the rewards offered to the rich node due to their wealth....