Line Configuration

Line elements represent the lines connecting data points in a line chart. we can customize lines in our charts using the options provided below.

These are the following options available to customize lines:

  • tension: This parameter controls the “curviness” of a line in a line chart.
  • backgroundColor: This option sets the background color of the chart element.
  • borderWidth: It defines the width of the border around the chart element.
  • borderColor: This property sets the color of the border around the chart element.
  • borderCapStyle: Specifies the style for the ends of the lines in the chart element.
  • borderDash: An array of values that specify the pattern of dashes and gaps used in the border.
  • borderDashOffset: This property sets the phase offset (in pixels) for the dash pattern specified by the borderDash property.
  • borderJoinStyle: Defines the style for the joins between line segments in the chart element.
  • capBezierPoints: If set to true, it ensures that the control points for the Bezier curve at the end of the line chart are positioned on the line.
  • cubicInterpolationMode: Specifies the algorithm used to interpolate values for data points in a line chart.
  • fill: Determines whether the area under the line chart should be filled with color.
  • stepped: If set to true, the line chart uses a stepped interpolation between points.

Chart.js Elements Configuration

Chart.js Elements Configuration provides us with the option to configure four types of elements: arcs, lines, points, and bars. Developers can use the options provided by Elements Configuration to customize these elements to change the appearance and behavior of the charts that meet their requirements.


let ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
let myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'chartType',
data: {
// chart data here
options: {
elements: {
{ /* element to configure */ }: {
// configuration options here

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