Linear VS Non-Linear Regression


Linear Regression

Non Linear Regression

Relationship between variablesAssumes a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variablesAllows for non-linear relationships between the independent and dependent variables
Model complexitySimpler model with fewer parametersMore complex model with more parameters
InterpretabilityHighly interpretable due to the linear relationshipLess interpretable due to the non-linear relationship
Overfitting susceptibilityMore susceptible to overfitting due to its simplicityLess susceptible to overfitting due to its ability to capture complex relationships
FlexibilityRequires large datasets to accurately estimate the linear relationshipCan work with smaller datasets due to its flexibility
ApplicationsSuitable for predicting continuous target variables when the relationship is linearSuitable for predicting continuous target variables when the relationship is non-linear
ExamplesPredicting house prices based on size and locationPredicting customer churn based on behavioral patterns

Understanding Nonlinear Regression with Examples

In this article, we will see some examples of non-linear regression in machine learning that are generally used in regression analysis, the reason being that most of the real-world data follow highly complex and non-linear relationships between the dependent and independent variables.

Table of Content

  • Non-linear regression in Machine Learning
  • Assumptions in NonLinear Regression
  • Types of Non-Linear Regression
  • Non-Linear Regression Algorithms
  • Evaluating Non-Linear Regression Models
  • How does a Non-Linear Regression work?
  • Linear VS Non-Linear Regression
  • Applications of Non-Linear Regression
  • Advantages & Disadvantages of Non-Linear Regression
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Non-Linear Regression

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Linear VS Non-Linear Regression


Applications of Non-Linear Regression


Advantages & Disadvantages of Non-Linear Regression




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Non-Linear Regression
