Linked-List in Java

Java’s LinkedList class is a versatile and commonly used data structure that implements the List and Deque interfaces while extending the AbstractSequentialList. Below is the list of operations performed on a java linked list,




LinkedList<DataType> myLinkedList = new LinkedList<>();

Inserting X at Head


Removing from Head


Inserting X at Tail


Removing from Tail


Inserting Element X


Inserting Element X at index i

myLinkedList.add(i, X);

Removing Element X


Removing Element at index i


Getting Element at index i

DataType value = myLinkedList.get(i)

Setting Element at index i to X

myLinkedList.set(i, X);

Checking for Existence of element X

boolean containsX = myLinkedList.contains(X);

Size of LinkedList

int size = myLinkedList.size();

Conversion to Array

DataType[] array = myLinkedList.toArray(new DataType[0]);

A Quick Guide on DSA and Competitive Coding in Java

Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) are the building blocks of efficient and optimized software solutions, especially in the realm of competitive coding. In this quick guide, we’ll explore key concepts of DSA using Java, a versatile and widely used programming language.

Table of Content

  • Arrays In Java:
  • Strings In Java:
  • Stack in Java:
  • Queue in Java:
  • Linked-List in Java:
  • Hash Table in java:
  • Maps In Java:
  • Set In Java
  • Heap in Java:

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