List of 5 Fastest Growing Cities in China



Per Capita Income

Monthly Minimum Wage

Total Export-Import volume

Actual utilized FDI


7.96 million

RMB 31,950

RMB 1,520

RMB 168.41 Billion

RMB 20.38 Billion


4.5 million

RMB 31,370

RMB 2,020

RMB 72.9 Billion

RMB 8.1 Billion


12.52 million

RMB 52,938

RMB 2,200

RMB 2801.14 Billion

RMB 49.95 Billion


16.04 million

RMB 38,918

RMB 1,650

RMB 393.52 Billion

RMB 67.77 Billion


7.3 million

RMB 33,011

RMB 2,020

RMB 236.02 Billion

RMB 16.33 Billion

Note:- Provided data is based on year 2017 && 1RMB = 11.53 ruppees.

Top 5 Fastest Growing Cities in China

Hefei, Yangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Nantong are the fastest-growing cities in China. Growth in the sense of population, per capita income, monthly minimum wage, total export-import volume, and actual utilized FDI. Over the past few decades, certain urban centres in China have grown a lot, transforming from small towns into busy cities. These cities are not just expanding physically but also economically, socially, and technologically, reshaping the landscape of China.

In this article, we will see about the cities in detail based on their growth.

Table of Content

  • List of 5 Fastest Growing Cities in China
  • What Does Growth Mean?
  • Hefei, Anhui
  • Yangzhou, Jiangsu
  • Shenzhen, Guangdong
  • Chengdu, Sichuan
  • Nantong, Jiangsu
  • What powers China’s economic growth?
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs on fastest growing cities in the China

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List of 5 Fastest Growing Cities in China


What Does Growth Mean?

Here growth is based on the total population, per capita income, monthly minimum wage, total export-import volume, and actual utilized FDI....

Hefei, Anhui

Hefei is one of the fastest-growing cities in China with a GDP of RMB 721.3 billion (US$106.8 billion) in 2017 an increase of 73.2 per cent in comparison to 2012. According to the survey of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs titled ‘2017 Charming China’, revealed that Hefei was the third most attractive Chinese city after Shanghai and Beijing in the eyes of foreign talent. Hefei includes eight core industries including automotive, equipment manufacturing, home appliances, chemicals, new materials, software and electronic information, biomedicine, and food processing. According to the data of the year 2017, Hefei has a population of 7.96 million with a per capita income of RMB 31,950. The monthly minimum wage in Hefei is RMB 1,520 and the total export-import is RMB 168.41 billion and the actual utilized FDI is RMB 20.38 Billion. Moreover, Hefei has increased its efforts to focus on Fortune Global 500 companies in sectors such as equipment manufacturing, new energy vehicles, and logistics to attract additional foreign enterprises and top-tier talent. By 2023, Hefei will have a GDP of more than RMB 1 trillion (US$150.9 billion)....

Yangzhou, Jiangsu

Yangzhou is the second fastest-growing city in China with a GDP of RMB 506.4 billion (US$75 billion) in 2017 an increase of 72.65 percent in comparison to 2012. Yangzhou includes five major industries automobile, machinery, tourism, software, and food processing. In 2017, the city announced plans to strengthen new and important industries like renewable energy, medicine, advanced materials, energy-saving technologies, high-quality manufacturing, IT, and biotechnology. The goal is to reach a total output value of RMB 700 billion from these industries by 2020. According to the data of the year 2017, Yangzhou has a population of 4.50 million with a per capita income of RMB 31,370. The monthly minimum wage in Yangzhou is RMB 2,020 and the total export-import is RMB 72.9 billion and the actual utilized FDI is RMB 8.1 Billion. In April 2018, the government announced incentives to attract high-end professionals, including a monthly rental allowance of up to RMB 3,000 and a one-time housing subsidy worth up to RMB 2 million....

Shenzhen, Guangdong

Shenzhen is the third fastest-growing city in China. The GDP of Shenzhen was RMB 2,228.6 billion (US$330.1 billion) in 2017 an increase of 72.1 percent compared to 2012. Shenzhen’s major industries include developing emerging industries, including new energy and materials, life and health, robotics, intelligence equipment, and aerospace and aviation. According to the data of the year 2017, Shenzhen has a population of 12.52 million with a per capita income of RMB 52,938. The monthly minimum wage in Shenzhen is RMB 2,200 the total export-import is RMB 2801.14 billion and the actual utilized FDI of Shenzhen is RMB 49.95 Billion. Shenzhen is known for its vibrant and rapidly growing startup ecosystem....

Chengdu, Sichuan

Chengdu is the fourth fastest-growing city in China. The GDP of Chengdu was 1,388.9 billion (US$205.7 billion) in 2017 an increase of 70.66 percent compared to 2012. Chengdu announced plans to focus on new economy sectors like digital, intelligence, and green initiatives. According to the data of the year 2017, Chengdu has a population of 16.04 million with a per capita income of RMB 38,918. The monthly minimum wage in Chengdu is RMB 1,650 the total export-import is RMB 393.52 billion and the actual utilized FDI of Chengdu is RMB 67.77 Billion. Analysts believe Chengdu has several advantages for developing the new economy, including its role as a logistics hub, a large consumer market, and abundant talent in science and technology. Chengdu’s efforts to attract investment have been successful, ranking as the most attractive emerging first-tier city for businesses in China, according to Yicai’s 2018 ranking....

Nantong, Jiangsu

Nantong is the fifth fastest-growing city in China. The GDP of Nantong was RMB 773.4 billion (US$ 114.5 billion) in 2017 an increase of 69.67 per cent compared to 2012. Nantong’s major industries include premium textiles, electronic information, and marine engineering. They also focus on fast growing industries like smart machinery, innovative materials, renewable energy, and electric vehicles. According to the data of the year 2017, Nantong has a population of 7.3 million with a per capita income of RMB 33,011. The monthly minimum wage in Nantong is RMB 2,020 and the total export-import is RMB 236.02 billion and the actual utilized FDI of Nantong is RMB 16.33 Billion....

What powers China’s economic growth?

China’s economic growth is driven by a few important things....


China is rapidly focusing on advancing technologies and these cities play a major role in focusing on different industries. The government is providing subsidies to the investors and for this reason, many investors are attracted to invest in these cities. These cities play a major role in developing the nation in the 21st century. In this article, we have discussed these cities in detail. Hefei, Yangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, and Nantong are the fastest-growing cities in China....

FAQs on fastest growing cities in China

Which are the five fastest-growing cities in China?...