List of Common Food Names in English

Food Names: Fruits

Fruit Description
Apple Round fruit with red or green skin.
Banana Long curved fruit with yellow skin.
Orange Round citrus fruit with orange skin.
Grapes Small, round fruit that grows in clusters.
Strawberry Small, red fruit with seeds on the outside.
Watermelon Large, green fruit with red juicy flesh.
Pineapple Tropical fruit with a spiky outer shell.
Blueberry Small, round fruit that is blue in color.
Cherry Small, round fruit with a pit inside.
Peach Round fruit with fuzzy skin and a pit inside.

Food Names: Vegetables

Vegetable Description
Carrot Long, orange vegetable often eaten raw or cooked.
Broccoli Green vegetable with small, edible florets.
Tomato Round, red fruit often used in salads and sauces.
Potato Starchy tuber vegetable, often boiled or fried.
Cucumber Long, green vegetable often used in salads.
Lettuce Leafy green vegetable used in salads and sandwiches.

Food Names: Dairy & Protein

Food Description
Cheese Dairy product made from pressed milk curds.
Egg Oval object laid by birds, often eaten as food.
Milk White liquid produced by mammals, often from cows.
Yogurt Dairy product made from fermented milk.
Chicken Domestic bird often raised for meat and eggs.
Fish Aquatic animal often caught for food.

Food Names: Grains & Staples

Food Description
Bread Staple food made from flour, water, and yeast.
Rice Grain commonly used as a staple food.
Pasta Italian dish made from flour, water, and eggs.

Food Names: Snacks & Treats

Food Description
Pizza Italian dish consisting of a round, flat base of dough topped with cheese and other ingredients.
Hamburger Sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat placed between two bread buns.
French Fries Deep-fried potato strips.
Ice Cream Frozen dessert made from cream and sugar.
Cake Sweet baked dessert often decorated with icing or frosting.

Food Names in English: List of 50+ Food Names From A to Z for Kids

Food Names in English: List of 50+ Food Names From A to Z for Kids: Welcome to our blog focused on introducing children to the wonderful world of food names in English! Through colorful visuals, and simple explanations. we aim to make learning about food names both educational and fun for young learners to build their English vocabulary. Let’s dive right in.

Table of Content

  • List of Common Food Names in English
  • Common food names by the timings for Kids
  • Food Name Starting From a to z
  • Top 10 Indian Foods
  • Why Food Is Important?

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