List of Most Democratic Countries in the World

1. Norway

Consistently ranking high in various democracy indices, Norway is often regarded as one of the most democratic countries globally. It boasts strong political participation, robust institutions, and high levels of transparency. Norway’s respect for civil liberties, equal representation of women, and engagement of citizens in decision-making processes contribute to its reputation as a democratic powerhouse. Norway is the champion of democracy among all the countries. It’s in Europe and got the highest score possible, 9.75 out of 10, on something called the democracy index. This means they’re super, super good at democracy. Now, on the other side, Afghanistan had a really low score of 0.32 on the democracy index in 2021. That makes it the least democratic country globally. So, while Norway is at the top, Afghanistan sadly ended up at the very bottom in terms of how well they do democracy.

2. Iceland

Iceland has a strong democratic tradition and is known for its high levels of political freedom and civil liberties. The country’s commitment to gender equality, citizen engagement, and protection of human rights contribute to its recognition as one of the world’s most democratic nations. Iceland might be a smaller country in terms of population and economy when compared to larger nations, but when you consider the wealth per person (taking into account purchasing power), it ranks quite high globally, with the 14th richest country in the world. However, it’s important to note that in 2022, Iceland experienced an inflation rate of around 8.31%, which means prices for goods and services were generally increasing at that time. Despite its smaller size, Iceland’s wealth per capita showcases a strong economic standing on the world stage.

3. Sweden

Sweden is widely praised for its commitment to human rights, political participation, and gender equality. with a strong emphasis on transparency, accountability, and inclusive policies, Sweden consistently ranks highly on democracy indices. These indexes evaluate nations according to several factors, such as political culture, electoral procedures, government efficiency, civil freedoms, and political engagement. Sweden’s solid institutions, high level of political engagement, freedom of expression, respect for civil liberties, and transparent and fair electoral processes all demonstrate the country’s strong democratic credentials.

4. New Zealand

New Zealand has established a robust democratic system characterized by an independent judiciary, fair elections, and strong institutions. It places significant importance on protecting civil liberties and promoting citizen involvement in decision- making processes. According to the Democracy Index by the Economist Intelligence Unit, New Zealand did really well in 2021. They got a score of 9.37 out of 10, which puts them in the category of a “full democracy.” This means they’re doing a great job when it comes to how they run things and let people have a say in how the country works.

5. Canada

Known for its commitment to multiculturalism and respect for diversity, Canada demonstrates a strong dedication to democratic principles. It provides ample opportunities for citizen participation through free elections, open debates, and inclusive policies. The Democracy Index rates nations according to a number of criteria, such as civil freedoms, political culture, election procedures, political engagement, and government efficiency. Switzerland’s high democratic score is largely due to its strong emphasis on direct democracy, in which people have regular opportunities to vote on and initiate laws.

6. Finland

Finland prides itself on its transparent governance practices, independent judiciary, and high levels of press freedom. The country places great importance on education and civic engagement to ensure an informed and participatory society. According to the Democracy Index made by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Finland got a score of 9.27 out of 10, which is awesome! They were labeled as a “full democracy.” They did super well in how they handle elections and having different opinions in their society, scoring really high in those areas. When it comes to people’s freedoms, they also did really great, scoring second-highest. However, in some areas related to the way people think about politics, Finland didn’t get full marks. They got a bit lower score in those categories, showing there’s still some room to improve in how people view and engage with politics there. Overall, though, Finland’s doing really well in democracy!

7. Switzerland

With its unique system of direct democracy, Switzerland stands out as a democratic model. Swiss citizens have the power to influence legislation through referendums and initiatives, allowing for a high level of citizen participation in decision-making processes. The Democracy Index assesses nations according to a number of criteria, such as civil freedoms, political culture, government performance, electoral procedures, and political involvement. Switzerland’s high democratic status is mostly due to its strong emphasis on direct democracy, in which people can frequently influence legislation through referendums and initiatives.

Most Democratic Countries in the World

Most Democratic Countries in the World: Most Democratic Countries include Norway, Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, etc. where the democracy Index is very high. Norway, for example, got a high score of 9.75 out of 10, which means they’re doing a fantastic job at having a fair and open system where people can have a say in how things are run. On the other hand, Countries like North Korea, South Sudan, and Syria are considered the least democratic.

This article will explore some of the most democratic countries in the world, based on various indicators and scores.

Table of Content

  • What is the Democracy Index?
  • Key Indicators of a Democratic Country
  • List of Most Democratic Countries in the World
  • Countries With the Highest Democracy Index Score
  • Countries With the Least Democracy Index Score

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