List of Programs in Java Threading

Java Threading Programs – Basic to Advanced

Java threading is the concept of using multiple threads to execute different tasks in a Java program. A thread is a lightweight sub-process that runs within a process and shares the same memory space and resources. Threads can improve the performance and responsiveness of a program by allowing parallel execution of multiple tasks.

Java threading programs use the classes and interfaces provided by the java.lang and java.util.concurrent packages to create and manage threads. Some of the common classes and interfaces are:

  • Thread: A class that represents a single thread of execution. It provides methods to create, start, run, suspend, resume, interrupt, join, and terminate threads.
  • Runnable: An interface that defines a single method, run(), that contains the code to be executed by a thread.
  • Executor: An interface that defines methods to execute Runnable tasks asynchronously.
  • ExecutorService: An interface that extends Executor and provides methods to manage the lifecycle of a thread pool.
  • Future: An interface that represents the result of an asynchronous computation. It provides methods to check if the computation is complete, cancel it, or get its result.
  • Callable: An interface that defines a single method, call(), that returns a value and can throw an exception. It is similar to Runnable but allows returning a value from the thread.

Java threading programs can also use the Executor framework to create and execute threads using a thread pool. A thread pool is a collection of pre-created threads that can be reused for multiple tasks. This way, the program can avoid the overhead of creating and destroying threads frequently.

This Java Threading Program will cover all the basic to advanced programs of Java Threading.

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