List of Revolutions of Agriculture in India

We are listing the important revolutions of agriculture in India in tabular form so that the list can be easily understood and memorized. 

Revolutions Product Year Father of Revolution
Round Revolution Potato 1965-2005 Not Known
Green Revolution Food Grains (Rice and Wheat) 1966-1967 Norman Borlaug, M.S.Swaminathan
Grey Revolution Wood Production/ Fertilisers 1960-1970 M.S. Swaminathan 
Pink Revolution Onion Production  1970 Durgesh Patel
White Revolution (or Operation Flood) Milk Production 1970-1996 Verghese Kurien
Blue Revolution Fish Production  1973-2022 Dr. Arun Krishnan
Red Revolution Meat or Tomato Production 1980s Vishal Tiwari
Yellow Revolution Oilseed Production 1986-1990 Sam Pitroda
Brown Revolution Leather/ Cocoa Production Hiralal Chaudhari
Golden Fibre Revolution Jute Production 1990s
Golden Revolution Fruits/Honey/Horticulture Production 1991-2003 Nirpakh Tutaj
Silver Revolution Egg/ Poultry Production 2000s Indira Gandhi
Silver Fibre Revolution Cotton 2000s
Protein Revolution Agriculture 2014-2020 Narendra Modi
Evergreen Revolution Overall development of Agriculture 2017-2022 M.S. Swaminathan
Black Revolution Petroleum Production

Agricultural Revolutions in India

Agriculture makes a huge contribution to the Indian Economy. Over the last few decades, the Government of India has taken several measures for growth and improvement. It is the backbone of the Indian economy. The GDP contribution of agriculture is 19.9% in the year 2020-21. India is the highest net cropped country in the world, USA and China are next. Till independence in India, only cash crops were produced we had an underdeveloped irrigation facility, with no modern technology, and because of recurrent famines and droughts, India faced consistent food shortages post Independence.

India had to import grain from the United States from 1956 to 1966. Constant arm twisting by the US on Food grain import and drought conditions from 1965 to 1966 compelled the ruling Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shashtri, to make ‘Food Self-Sufficiency’ one of India’s top economic priorities. He gave the “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan” slogan and launched Green Revolution under Indian Geneticist M.S Swaminathan. It completely changed the face of Indian Agriculture.

So far, many revolutions have been introduced in the ‘Agricultural sector’ amongst them Green and White Revolutions catapulted the growth. 

Agricultural Revolution in India

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