List of Sentiment Analysis Datasets

Table of Content

  • List of Sentiment Analysis Datasets
    • 1. IMDb Reviews Dataset
    • 2. Twitter Sentiment Analysis Dataset
    • 3. Amazon Product Reviews
    • 4. Yelp Reviews Dataset
    • 5. Sentiment140
    • 6. Airbnb Reviews Dataset
    • 7. Kaggle Movie Reviews Dataset
    • 8. Stanford Sentiment Treebank
    • 9. Financial News Sentiment Analysis Dataset
    • 10. SemEval
    • 11. YouTube Comments Dataset
    • 12. Reddit Comments Dataset
    • 13. E-commerce Reviews Dataset
    • 14. Hotel Reviews Dataset
    • 15. MovieLens Dataset
  • Why sentiment analysis is important?
  • Benefits of Using Sentiment Analysis Dataset
  • Dataset for Sentiment Analysis FAQs

1. IMDb Reviews Dataset

  • The IMDb Reviews Dataset provides a wealth of information about movies and audience opinions. I
  • it’s particularly useful for sentiment analysis tasks, where researchers and analysts can study how people feel about certain films.
  • This dataset enables us to understand which movies are generally well-received and which ones might have faced criticism.

To download the dataset: Internet Movie Database (IMDb).

2. Twitter Sentiment Analysis Dataset

  • Twitter is a goldmine for understanding public opinion in real-time.
  • With the Twitter Sentiment Analysis Dataset, researchers can analyze the sentiment behind tweets, whether they’re expressing joy about a recent event, frustration about a political decision, or anything in between.
  • This dataset helps to gauge the overall sentiment of Twitter users on various topics.

To download the dataset : Twitter Sentiment Analysis

3. Amazon Product Reviews

  • As one of the largest online marketplaces, Amazon generates massive amounts of customer feedback.
  • The Amazon Product Reviews dataset allows businesses and analysts to gain insights into customer satisfaction levels, product quality, and areas for improvement.
  • By categorizing reviews into positive and negative sentiments, companies can understand what aspects of their products resonate with customers and what needs improvement.

To download the dataset: Amazon Product Reviews

4. Yelp Reviews Dataset

  • Yelp is a go-to platform for people looking for recommendations on restaurants, hotels, and various services.
  • The Yelp Reviews Dataset provides valuable insights into customer experiences and satisfaction levels.
  • Businesses can use this dataset to monitor and improve their services based on feedback from customers.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

5. Sentiment140

  • With Sentiment140, researchers can analyze the sentiment expressed in tweets.
  • This dataset is particularly valuable for understanding public opinion on social media platforms like Twitter.
  • By categorizing tweets into positive and negative sentiments, analysts can identify trends, monitor public sentiment on specific topics, and track changes over time.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

6. Airbnb Reviews Dataset

  • The Airbnb Reviews Dataset offers insights into the experiences of guests who have stayed at various accommodations listed on the platform.
  • By analyzing sentiment labels attached to reviews, hosts and property managers can understand guest satisfaction levels and areas for improvement.
  • This dataset helps in providing better hospitality services and enhancing the overall guest experience.

To download the dataset: Airbnb Reviews Dataset

7. Kaggle Movie Reviews Dataset

  • The Kaggle Movie Reviews Dataset is a treasure trove of opinions about movies.
  • By analyzing sentiment labels associated with movie reviews, filmmakers, critics, and movie enthusiasts can gain insights into audience preferences and sentiments.
  • This dataset aids in understanding which aspects of a movie resonate with viewers and which ones may need improvement.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

8. Stanford Sentiment Treebank

  • The Stanford Sentiment Treebank offers a detailed perspective on sentiment analysis.
  • With hierarchical sentiment annotations, researchers can delve deep into the structure of sentences and phrases to understand the nuances of sentiment expression.
  • This dataset is valuable for fine-grained sentiment analysis tasks and improving the accuracy of sentiment analysis models.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

9. Financial News Sentiment Analysis Dataset

  • Financial markets are heavily influenced by news and public sentiment.
  • The Financial News Sentiment Analysis Dataset provides annotated news articles with sentiment polarity, allowing analysts to gauge market sentiment and investor opinions.
  • By understanding the sentiment behind financial news, traders and investors can make more informed decisions.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

10. SemEval

  • SemEval datasets cover a wide range of sentiment analysis tasks across different domains and languages.
  • Researchers and developers can use these datasets to benchmark sentiment analysis models and evaluate their performance on various tasks.
  • SemEval datasets provide a standardized evaluation framework for advancing the field of sentiment analysis.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

11. YouTube Comments Dataset

  • YouTube is a popular platform for sharing and consuming video content.
  • The YouTube Comments Dataset contains comments from users, providing insights into viewer reactions and opinions.
  • By analyzing sentiment labels attached to comments, content creators and marketers can understand audience engagement and tailor their content accordingly.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

12. Reddit Comments Dataset

  • Reddit is known for its diverse communities and discussions on various topics.
  • The Reddit Comments Dataset offers insights into community sentiment and discussions across different subreddits.
  • By analyzing sentiment labels attached to comments, researchers can understand prevailing opinions and sentiments on specific topics discussed on Reddit.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

13. E-commerce Reviews Dataset

  • The E-commerce Reviews Dataset includes feedback from customers on e-commerce platforms like eBay and Etsy.
  • By categorizing reviews into positive and negative sentiments, businesses can understand customer satisfaction levels, identify popular products, and address any issues or concerns raised by customers.
  • This dataset helps in improving the overall shopping experience for online shoppers.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

14. Hotel Reviews Dataset

  • The Hotel Reviews Dataset provides insights into guest experiences and satisfaction levels at hotels listed on booking platforms like and TripAdvisor.
  • By analyzing sentiment labels attached to reviews, hotel managers and staff can identify areas for improvement and enhance the quality of services provided to guests.
  • This dataset is invaluable for maintaining high standards of hospitality and guest satisfaction.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

15. MovieLens Dataset

  • The MovieLens Dataset contains user ratings and reviews of movies, offering insights into viewer preferences and sentiments.
  • By analyzing sentiment expressed in reviews, movie recommendation systems can better understand user preferences and provide personalized recommendations.
  • This dataset helps in enhancing the movie-watching experience for viewers by recommending movies they’re likely to enjoy.

The dataset can be downloaded from the official website.

Dataset for Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis, which helps understand how people feel and what they think, is very important in studying public opinions, customer thoughts, and social media buzz. But to make sentiment analysis work well, we need good datasets to train and test our systems. In this article, we will look at some of the popular datasets used for sentiment analysis and discuss them.

Dataset for Sentiment Analysis

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List of Sentiment Analysis Datasets

Table of Content List of Sentiment Analysis Datasets 1. IMDb Reviews Dataset 2. Twitter Sentiment Analysis Dataset 3. Amazon Product Reviews 4. Yelp Reviews Dataset 5. Sentiment140 6. Airbnb Reviews Dataset 7. Kaggle Movie Reviews Dataset 8. Stanford Sentiment Treebank 9. Financial News Sentiment Analysis Dataset 10. SemEval 11. YouTube Comments Dataset 12. Reddit Comments Dataset 13. E-commerce Reviews Dataset 14. Hotel Reviews Dataset 15. MovieLens Dataset Why sentiment analysis is important? Benefits of Using Sentiment Analysis Dataset Dataset for Sentiment Analysis FAQs...

Why sentiment analysis is important?

Sentiment analysis plays a crucial role in understanding and leveraging human emotions and opinions, offering valuable insights across various domains without revealing AI-generated content. In business, it helps companies gauge customer satisfaction, improve products and services, and enhance overall customer experience. By analyzing sentiment, businesses can identify emerging trends, predict customer behavior, and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. In social media, sentiment analysis helps track public opinion on various topics, monitor brand reputation, and detect potential crises....

Benefits of Using Sentiment Analysis Dataset

High-quality datasets to be used for sentiment analysis is critical for training precise machine learning models. These datasets offer a range of texts with sentiment labels, enabling algorithms to discern patterns and make accurate forecasts. Employing such datasets can enhance the effectiveness of sentiment analysis systems for businesses, providing them with more dependable insights. This, in turn, enables a deeper understanding of customer opinions, preferences, and behaviors, which can be utilized to enhance products, services, and marketing approaches. Moreover, sentiment analysis datasets empower researchers and developers to progress in natural language processing (NLP) and create more advanced algorithms for sentiment analysis, benefiting sectors such as e-commerce, social media, and customer services....

Dataset for Sentiment Analysis FAQs

What is a sentiment analysis dataset?...