Loading Directly to in-Cluster Container Runtime (Using Image Load Command)

This method provides convenient image management by saving and loading docker images as tarballs allowing developers to have effective integration with locally generated images into Minikube’s cluster container runtime.

$ minikube image load my_image

This command can be used when we are having the image built in the docker of our host machine but want to load it into the minikube cluster. First, check if my_image exists in the host machine docker images:

Since the image my-image already exists in our host machine docker we can load it directly into our minikube cluster by image load command.

Now check in minikube docker for the image

Hence we have loaded the image successfully into Minikube.

How to Use Local Docker Images With Minikube?

Minikube is a software that helps in the quick setup of a single-node Kubernetes cluster. It supports a Virtual Machine (VM) that runs over a docker container and creates a Kubernetes environment. Now minikube itself acts as an isolated container environment apart from the local docker environment, the local docker images on your computer are not accessible in minikube docker. Now When you are trying to access docker images in minikube it will be possible to access through the docker hub, not through the local docker environment. If the image is available on the docker hub then it is pulled in minikube docker from the docker hub otherwise you may get an Image FallBack Error. So to resolve this issue we will follow through different methods for loading Local Docker images into Minikube.

For the development of Kubernetes, Integrating local Docker images seamlessly with Minikube will be an effective practice. it helps developers develop better locally built docker containers within the Minikube k8s cluster to speed up testing and iterations. We will discuss the different effective methods of using locally created docker images in the Minikube.

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