Lock in Java

In Java, Lock is an interface available in the Java.util.concurrent.locks package. Java lock acts as a thread synchronization mechanism that is similar to the synchronized blocks. After some time, a new locking mechanism was introduced. It is very flexible and provides more options in comparison to the Synchronized block.

Example of lock interface:

Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
// critical section 

To learn more about Lock in Java please follow This Link !!

Which Method Should We Use to Release a Lock from a Thread in Java?

In JVM we have the option of multithreading. It is an act of executing a complex process using virtual processing entities independent of each other. These entities are called threads. A thread gets blocked if it can’t get access to the synchronized block. The Lock API provides the tryLock() method. The thread acquires a lock only if it’s available and not held by any other thread. Let’s learn more about Locking in Java.

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Lock in Java:

In Java, Lock is an interface available in the Java.util.concurrent.locks package. Java lock acts as a thread synchronization mechanism that is similar to the synchronized blocks. After some time, a new locking mechanism was introduced. It is very flexible and provides more options in comparison to the Synchronized block....

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