Longest River In The World – Nile – 6650 Kilometres

The Nile is a large river in Africa that flows into the Mediterranean Sea. It is the longest river in Africa and was once believed to be the longest in the world.

  • It is 6,650 km long, starting from the Blue Nile.
  • The river goes through Egypt and Sudan and near 10 other African countries.
  • The Nile was very important for ancient Egypt, providing good land, transportation, food, and water for over 5,000 years.
  • Today, 95% of Egypt’s people live along the Nile.

List of Longest Rivers in Canada

List of Longest Rivers in Canada: The Mackenzie River is the longest river of the Dominion of Canada. It is around 4,241 kilometers long. The Mackenzie River is in the northwest part of Canada. It has smaller rivers flowing into it. These rivers make up more than 50,000 lakes

In this article, we are going to discuss the Longest Rivers in Canada in detail.

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List of Longest Rivers in Canada

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1. Mackenzie River – Beaufort Sea – 4,241 KM

The Mackenzie River is a long river in Canada’s northern forest. It starts at Great Slave Lake, near where Alberta and the Northwest Territories meet. The river flows northwest, around the Rocky Mountains, and ends in a wide, wet area at the Arctic Ocean. It is the second longest river in North America and Canada’s longest river system. It drains a large area, about one-fifth of Canada’s land, and brings lots of fresh water to the Arctic Ocean every year. Many animals live in and around the Mackenzie River, like white whales, fish hawks, big birds, and ducks....

2. Yukon River – Bering Sea – 3,185 KM

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3. Saint Lawrence River – Gulf of St. Lawrence – 3,058 KM

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4. Nelson River – Hudson Bay – 2,575 KM

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5. Slave River – Great Slave Lake – 2,338 KM

The Slave River starts in Alberta and flows into the Northwest Territories. It is named after the Slavey people. Chipewyan people moved others from the area. It’s famous for kayaking with four sets of fast-moving water called rapids. Some rapids are easy, some are hard. The river has lots of water and big waves. It is also home to North America’s northernmost pelican colony. It starts at the Peace-Athabasca Delta and eventually reaches the Arctic Ocean....

6. Columbia River – Pacific Ocean – 2,000 KM

The Columbia River is the fourth biggest river in the US. It starts in Canada and goes for 1,243 miles until it reaches the Pacific Ocean in Oregon and Washington. It is used for transportation, drinking water, and fishing. It also makes a lot of hydropower, about a third for the US. The river’s area is massive, covering parts of seven states and one Canadian province. It is the biggest river in the Pacific Northwest. People have relied on it for a long time, both culturally and economically. People have been living around the Columbia River for over 15,000 years. Salmon are in danger because the water is getting warmer....

7. Saskatchewan River – Lake Winnipeg – 1,939 KM

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8. Peace River – Slave River – 1,923 KM

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Longest River In The World – Nile – 6650 Kilometres

The Nile is a large river in Africa that flows into the Mediterranean Sea. It is the longest river in Africa and was once believed to be the longest in the world....

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FAQs – List of Longest Rivers in Canada

What is the longest river entirely in Canada?...