Longest Rivers in the United States

What is the 10 biggest rivers in America?

While there are different ways to define “biggest,” the 10 longest rivers in the United States, based on main stem length, are:

  1. Missouri River (2,540 miles)
  2. Mississippi River (2,350 miles)
  3. Yukon River (1,980 miles in the US, 3,185 miles total)
  4. Rio Grande River (1,900 miles)
  5. Arkansas River (1,460 miles)
  6. Colorado River (1,450 miles)
  7. Red River of the South (1,290 miles)
  8. Columbia River (1,240 miles)
  9. Snake River (1,078 miles) 1 10. Ohio River (981 miles)

Is the Mississippi the longest river in the United States?

No, the Mississippi River is actually the second-longest river in the United States. The title of longest belongs to the Missouri River, clocking in at 2,540 miles compared to the Mississippi’s 2,350 miles.

What are the 2 longest rivers in the US?

The longest rivers in the US are the Missouri River (2,540 miles) and the Mississippi River (2,350 miles).

Which longest river flows through America?

The longest river that flows through America is the Missouri River. It stretches for 2,540 miles (4,088 kilometers) entirely within the United States.

Is the Nile river longer than America?

The Nile River (4,132 miles) dwarfs the width of the US (2,800 miles). Think long, winding river, not wide country!

Top 10 Longest Rivers in the United States

America is home to some of the most majestic rivers in the world, each with its own unique characteristics and contributions to the country’s landscape and economy. They shape the land and move goods, people, and enjoyment across the country. From the grand Mississippi to the wild Colorado, these rivers flow through diverse terrain and play vital roles in transportation, agriculture, and environmental ecosystems.

Consider these rivers the nation’s life source. They’re key scene-setters and are vital for our country’s growth and health. Looking at these rivers helps us understand the bond between geography and human actions. We see how powerfully rivers affect our past and present. Exploring the longest rivers in the United States reveals not just their physical dimensions, but also their cultural and historical significance, enriching our understanding of the natural world and our place within it.

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Which is the Longest Rivers in the United States?

The Missouri River is the longest river in the United States. Stretching approximately 2,341 miles (about 3,767 kilometers), it flows from its source in the Rocky Mountains of western Montana, winding its way southeastward until it joins the Mississippi River north of St. Louis, Missouri. Here below are the top 10 most longest rivers in America:...

1. Missouri River

Length: 2,540 miles Origin: Montana mountains End Point: Joins the Mississippi River near St. Louis, Missouri...

2. Mississippi River

Length: 2,350 miles Origin: Lake Itasca in Minnesota End Point: Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans, Louisiana...

3. Yukon River

Length: 1,980 miles Origin: Yukon Territory, Canada End Point: Bering Sea in Alaska, United States...

4. Rio Grande River

Length: 1,900 miles Origin: Colorado Rockies, United States End Point: Gulf of Mexico, forming the border between Texas and Mexico...

5. Arkansas River

Length: 1,460 miles Origin: Rocky Mountains in Colorado, United States End Point: Joins the Mississippi River near Arkansas City, Arkansas...

6. Colorado River

Length: 1,450 miles Origin: Rocky Mountains of Colorado, United States End Point: Flows into the Gulf of California in Mexico...

7. Red River

Length: 1,290 miles Origin: Texas-Oklahoma border, United States End Point: Joins the Mississippi River near Baton Rouge, Louisiana...

8. Columbia River

Length: 1,240 miles Origin: Columbia Lake in British Columbia, Canada End Point: Flows into the Pacific Ocean at Astoria, Oregon, United States...

9. Snake River

Length: 1,078 miles Origin: Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, United States End Point: Joins the Columbia River near Pasco, Washington...

10. Ohio River

Length: 981 miles Origin: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States End Point: Joins the Mississippi River near Cairo, Illinois...


These rivers are not merely bodies of water, they are integral to the heartbeat of the United States, fostering trade, supporting economies, and providing avenues for recreation. From the largest rivers in the United States, the Mississippi, to many smaller rivers all over, these different rivers add to the interesting history and lively present of the country. These moving waters are like the threads that hold America together. Their diverse characteristics contribute to the rich history and vibrant presence of the nation, making them more than just flowing waters – they are the threads that connect the fabric of America....

Longest Rivers in the United States – FAQs

What is the 10 biggest rivers in America?...