Low-Level Design for Random ID Generation System

Pseudocode for ID Generation

import random
import string

def generate_random_id(length=16, char_set=string.ascii_letters + string.digits):
    return ''.join(random.choice(char_set) for _ in range(length))


1. Actors

  • User: This module is responsible for generating the ID for a request and also participates in the handling of the system.
  • Admin: It provides the option to set the ID length appropriately and the character set that is needed to be assigned to the system.

2. Components

  • ID Generation Service: Analyze its know-how, which corresponds to the management of the main functions of generating IDs.
    • IDGenerator: For this purpose, the main component needed for ID generations will be the sequence generator.
    • RandomNumberGenerator: Used to produce random numbers for high entropy IDs because random numbers should be secure.
    • UUIDGenerator: Generates UUIDs.
  • Configuration Service: Manages system configuration according to the specifications of the organization.
    • ConfigManager: Integral part of managing various parameters or configuration settings.
    • LengthConfig: The configuration ID of a user’s ID is managed with this class.
    • CharacterSetConfig: It is used to manage and set the character set that the system will use.
  • Logging Service: Responsible for controlling and regulating the produced IDs.
    • LogManager: Handles logging operations.
    • IDLog: Specifically, it produces an array of IDs and stores these as a log of generated IDs.

3. Interactions

  • The User firstly, communicates with the IDGenerator for IDs to be generated.
  • The given IDGenerator class uses the RandomNumberGenerator and UUIDGenerator classes to create IDs.
  • Existing ID tags include LongId, AppId, ContextId, and SessionId, and these IDs are recorded in the IDLog by the LogManager.
  • The Admin uses the ConfigManager to make configurations which change the LengthConfig and CharacterSetConfig and therefore sends configuration values to the IDGenerator.
  • The low-level design focuses on detailing some of the intricate relations between different parts and elements, making the overall architecture of the system quite clear and rather exhaustive.

Design a Random ID Generation System

This article highlights how random ID generation systems are useful in today’s digital world in areas such as generating identity for a user, transaction numbers, session IDs, and for creating unique identification numbers for objects in database applications for instance. Such systems need to be designed with considerations for making them unique, secure, scalable, and performing optimally. This article will also explain the details of developing a random ID generation system.

Important Topics for Designing a Random ID Generation System

  • Requirements of Random ID Generation System
  • Use Case Diagram of random ID generation system
  • Capacity Estimation for Random ID Generation System
  • High-Level Design of Random ID Generation System
  • Low-Level Design for Random ID Generation System
  • Database Design of Random ID Generation System
  • Microservices and APIs Used in a Random ID Generation System
  • Scalability in the Random ID Generation System

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