Major Projects and Accomplishments

1) APOLLO MISSION:- This mission was launched in 1968 and it made the first landing on the moon in 1968. As a result of this mission, American astronauts made 11 journeys and made discoveries on the moon.

2) Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE):- This mission was launched in 1997. It observes particles of solar, interplanetary, interstellar, and galactic origin, spanning the energy range from solar wind ions to galactic cosmic ray nuclei.

3) The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Satellite (AIM):- This satellite was launched in 2007. it will take detailed pictures of noctilucent clouds, measure their temperature, and chemical abundance, monitor their gray aerosols and count meteors falling to Earth.

4) AQUA (2002):-It was launched in 2002. It was the first satellite who collect information about aquatic organisms. It carries 6 different earth-observing instruments and provides about 89 gigabytes of data per day.

5) Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission:–it was launched in 2021. It is considered to be the most successful mission out of all the missions launched by NASA.

 DART is a planetary defense-driven test of technology to prevent a dangerous asteroid from hitting Earth. This mission helps the Earth to avoid meteorites coming from space.

NASA Full Form

The complete form of NASA is National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It is a United States government agency. It is responsible for the country’s civilian space program and for advancing aerospace technology.

It was founded on July 29, 1958, and has since been responsible for numerous accomplishments in space exploration and aviation. NASA Headquarters is in Washington, D.C and There are 10 NASA centres across the United States.

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