Major Tick Configuration

  • enabled: This option is used to determine whether major ticks are generated.

Chart.js Styling Axes

Chart.js Styling Axes allows us to represent the data in a visually appealing and more informative way. The customization of axis elements, ticks, labels, and grid lines is styled here to make the data representation clearer and more engaging.


const config = {
    type: 'your_chart_type',
    options: {
        scales: {
            x: { title: { 
                display: true, 
                text: 'X-Axis Title', 
                color: 'your_color' 
            }, ticks: { 
                color: 'your_color' 
            } },
            y: { title: { 
                display: true, 
                text: 'Y-Axis Title', 
                color: 'your_color' 
            }, ticks: { 
                color: 'your_color' 
            } },

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