Mansabdar : Features

  • Every Mansabdar had to maintain certain number of soldiers. They got salaries in cash. From this cash, they had to maintain the soldiers.
  • During the war, Mansabdars were bound to help the king by sending soldiers.
  • Mansabdars had to maintain all public services except Judiciary.
  • To avoid fraud, Akbar introduced Dagh that means branding of horses and Chahra that means ‘descriptive roll of soldier under the Mansabdari System.





Jagirdars used to collect certain amount of revenue from a particular unit of land(Jagir) instead of salaries in cash.

Mansabdar means rank holders. Salaries of a mansabdar was paid in cash.


They got land instead of salaries in cash.

They got salaries in cash instead of land.


Under Jagirdari system, Jagirdars collected Land revenue of the particular Jagir. From the collected revenue Jagirdars were paid salaries and rest of the revenue went to the treasury of the Mughal.

Every Mansabdar had to maintain certain number of soldiers. They got salaries in cash. From this cash, they had to maintain the soldiers.

Distinction between Jagirdari and Mansabdari system

Tutul or Jagirdari System was introduced in India in thirteenth century during the Sultanate period. While Mansabdari system was introduced by Akbar. Mansabdar means rank holders.

In Jagirdari basically a unit of land was called “Jagir”. Jagirdars used to collect certain amount of revenue from a particular unit of land(Jagir) instead of salaries in cash. Jagirdari used to get changed according to the performances of Jagirdars.

In Mansabdari system salaries of a mansabdar was paid in cash. They were not provided land to collect revenue to fulfill their payment. According to the capability of a Mansabdar, the rank range was decided . The position of a Mansabdars was not fixed. The rank of a mansabdar was from 10 to 10,000. High rank Mansabdars such as 5000, 6000 or above were fixed for the Royal family members.

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FAQs on Jaigirdari and Mansabdari system :

1. What is the literary meaning of Jagirdar ?...