MATLAB Convolution Layers


Description of Layer


One-dimensional convolutional layer employs sliding convolutional filters on 1-D input data.


Two-dimensional convolutional layer employs sliding convolutional filters on 2-D input data.


Three-dimensional convolutional layer employs sliding convolutional filters on 3-D input data.


Transposed two-dimensional convolutional layer increases the resolution of two-dimensional feature maps through upsampling.


Transposed three-dimensional convolutional layer increases the resolution of three-dimensional feature maps through upsampling.

List of Deep Learning Layers

Deep learning (DL) is characterized by the use of neural networks with multiple layers to model and solve complex problems. Each layer in the neural network plays a unique role in the process of converting input data into meaningful and insightful outputs. The article explores the layers that are used to construct a neural network.

Table of Content

  • Role of Deep Learning Layers
  • MATLAB Input Layer
  • MATLAB Fully Connected Layers
  • MATLAB Convolution Layers
  • MATLAB Recurrent Layers
  • MATLAB Activation Layers
  • MATLAB Pooling and Unpooling Layers
  • MATLAB Normalization Layer and Dropout Layer
  • MATLAB Output Layers

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