
Maven is an open-source project management tool that helps us to create different software in the lifecycle used by this tool. This tool focuses on the standardization (i.e.) development of the software in a standard layout within a short duration of time. With this, we can create Java projects but is compatible to be used for other languages too. Maven uses Extensible Markup language(XML) for the structuring of the application. 

Advantages of Maven:

  • The process of project building is simplified and well organized.
  • Maven automatically executes the task of downloading Jar files and the other dependencies.
  • Maven can easily incorporate new dependencies by formulating the dependency code in the POM file.
  • It facilitates easy access to all the essential information.
  • It’s extensible and plug-ins can be easily written using scripting languages or Java.

Disadvantages of Maven:

  • Installation in the working system is needed.
  • We can not implement a dependency using Maven if the Maven code for existing dependency is not found.
  • In terms of execution of project , Maven is quite slow.

Difference between Gradle and Maven

Software is a program or set of programs containing instructions that provide the desired functionality and Engineering is the process of designing and building something that serves a particular purpose and finds a cost-effective solution to problems. Gradle and Maven are different tools used to build software. In this article, the differences between these two tools are discussed.

In this article, we will learn about Gradle vs Maven.

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Maven is an open-source project management tool that helps us to create different software in the lifecycle used by this tool. This tool focuses on the standardization (i.e.) development of the software in a standard layout within a short duration of time. With this, we can create Java projects but is compatible to be used for other languages too. Maven uses Extensible Markup language(XML) for the structuring of the application....

Difference between Gradle and Maven

Basis Gradle Maven Based on Gradle is based on developing domain-specific language projects. Maven is based on developing pure Java language-based software. Configuration It uses a Groovy-based Domain-specific language (DSL) for creating project structure. It uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) for creating project structure. Focuses on Developing applications by adding new features to them. Developing applications in a given time limit. Performance It performs better than maven as it optimized for tracking only current running task. It does not create local temporary files during software creation and is hence – slower. Java Compilation It avoids compilation. It is necessary to compile. Usability It is a new tool, which requires users to spend a lot of time to get used to it. This tool is a known tool for many users and is easily available. Customization This tool is highly customizable as it supports a variety of IDE’s. This tool serves a limited number of developers and is not that customizable. Languages supported It supports software development in Java, C, C++, and Groovy. It supports software development in Java, Scala, C#, and Ruby and it does not natively support C and C++ but can support through plugins like “maven-native-plugin” or we can integrate other build systems like CMake or Makefile. Project Configuration For declaring the project configuration, it does not use the XML files. For declaring the project configuration, it uses the XML files. Based on Graph of task dependencies that do the work. On the phases of the fixed and linear model. Goal To add functionality in the project is the main goal of the Gradle. To finish the project in the given timeline is the main goal of the Maven....