Maven Options

Maven options are command-line parameters that modify the behavior of Maven commands. They provide flexibility for tasks such as skipping tests, activating profiles, setting system properties, and enabling debug logging, ensuring tailored builds to meet specific requirements. Below are some Maven command-line options.

mvn -help

mvn -help

The mvn -help command in Maven is used to display basic usage information and options available for the Maven command-line interface. It provides a summary of commonly used Maven commands and options.

mvn -X package

mvn -X package

The command mvn -X package invokes Maven in debug mode (-X) and executes the package goal.

mvn -v

mvn -v

The mvn -v command in Maven is used to display version information about Maven itself, including the Maven version, Java version, and operating system information.

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

The command mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package is used to skip running tests during the packaging phase while building a Maven project. The -D option is used to define a system property, and in this case, maven.test.skip is set to true, which instructs Maven to skip executing tests. After skipping the tests, the package goal is executed, which involves compiling the source code and packaging the project into an artifact.

mvn -T 4 clean install

mvn -T 4 clean install

The command mvn -T 4 clean install is used to build a Maven project with multi-threading enabled. Specifically, -T 4 instructs Maven to use four threads for the build process.

These are some commonly used Maven Commands and Options with output screens.

Maven Commands and Options

Apache Maven is a powerful build automation tool mainly used for Java projects. It streamlines the build process by managing project dependencies, compiling source code, running tests, packaging applications, and deploying them.

In this article, we will discuss some common Maven commands and options.

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