MBA 1st Semester Syllabus

The MBA 1st Semester syllabus consists of important subjects like Microeconomics, Principle of marketing management, Principle of Accounting, etc. Here is the complete table of the MBA syllabus for Semester 1st:

Subject List

Detailed Subject-wise Syllabus

Best Books to Study these subject

Corporate Social Responsibility

Unit 1 : (Introduction to CSR)

  • Meaning & Definition of CSR
  • History & evolution of CSR
  • Concept of Charity
  • Corporate philanthropy
  • Corporate Citizenship
  • CSR-an overlapping concept
  • Concept of Sustainability & Stakeholder Management.

Unit 2 : (Frameworks of CSR)

  • International framework for corporate social Responsibility
  • Millennium Development goals
  • Sustainable development goals
  • Relationship between CSR and MDGs
  • United Nations (UN) Global Compact 2011
  • UN guiding principles on business and human rights

Unit 3 : (Indian laws for CSR)

  • CSR-Legislation In India & the world.
  • Section 135 of Companies Act 2013.
  • Scope for CSR Activities under Schedule VII,
  • Appointment of Independent Directors on the Board, and Computation of Net Profit’s Implementing Process in India.

Unit 4 : (Need of the CSR)

  • The Drivers of CSR in India,
  • Market based pressure and incentives civil society pressure,
  • The regulatory environment in India Counter trends.
  • Performance in major business and programs.
  • Voluntarism Judicial activism.

Unit 5 : (CSR roles in corporate and its issues)

  • Identifying key stakeholders of CSR & their roles.
  • Role of Public Sector in Corporate
  • Government programs Role of Nonprofit &Local SelfGovernance in implementing CSR
  • Contemporary issues in CSR & MDGs. Global Compact SelfAssessment Tool
  • National Voluntary Guidelines by Govt. of India. Understanding roles and responsibilities of corporate foundations.

Unit 6 : (Current trend and case study)

  • Review current trends and opportunities in CSR.
  • CSR as a Strategic Business tool for Sustainable development.
  • Review of successful corporate initiatives & challenges of CSR.
  • Case Studies of Major CSR Initiatives

The Triple Bottom Line by Andrew Savitz

Corporate Social Responsibility by Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee

The Executive’s Guide to 21st Century Corporate Citizenship: by David Chandler


Unit 1 (Introduction to economics)

  • Introduction to economics
  • Economic systems
  • Production possibilities frontier
  • Comparative advantage and the terms of trade

Unit 2 : (Supply, demand, and market equilibrium)

  • Demand (Law of Demand)
  • Supply
  • Market equilibrium and changes in equilibrium

Unit 3 : (Elasticity)

  • Price elasticity of demand
  • Price elasticity of supply
  • Supply, demand, and market equilibrium

Unit 4: (Consumer and producer surplus, market interventions, and international trade)

  • Consumer and producer surplus
  • Market interventions and deadweight loss
  • International trade

Unit 5: (Consumer theory)

  • Introduction to consumer theory: total utility and marginal utility
  • Utility maximization using marginal utility per dollar spent
  • Utility maximization with indifference curves

Unit 6: (Production decisions and economic profit)

  • Introduction to production and costs
  • Production and costs in the short run
  • Production and costs in the long run
  • Types of profit
  • Profit maximization
  • Firm entry, exit, and the shut-down rule

Unit 7: (Forms of competition)

  • Perfect competition
  • Monopoly
  • Price discrimination
  • Monopolistic competition
  • Oligopoly and game theory

Unit 8: (Factor markets)

  • Introduction to factor markets
  • Changes in factor demand and supply
  • Optimal choice of factors in perfectly competitive factor markets
  • Choosing inputs when factor markets are monopolistically competitive

Unit 9: (Market failure and the role of government)

  • Externalities
  • Pollution as a negative externality
  • The four types of goods: private goods, public goods, common resources, and natural monopolies

Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science by Charles Wheelan

Principles of Microeconomics by N. Gregory Mankiw

Microeconomic Foundations I: Choice and Competitive Markets by David Kreps

Principle of Marketing Management

Unit I: (Introduction)

  • Introduction: Nature, scope and importance of marketing; Selling vs Marketing;
  • Marketing mix, Marketing environment: concept, importance, and components
  • Consumer Behaviour: Nature and Importance, Factors influencing consumer buying behaviour.
  • Market segmentation: concept, importance and bases
  • Product differentiation vs. market segmentation.

Unit 2: (Product)

  • Product: Concept and importance
  • Product classifications
  • Concept of product mix
  • Branding, packaging and labeling; Product life-cycle
  • New Product Development Process

Unit 3: (Pricing and Distribution)

  • Pricing, Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Pricing: Significance, Factors affecting price of a product
  • Pricing policies and strategies
  • Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution: Channels of distribution – meaning and importance
  • Types of distribution channels
  • Factors affecting choice of distribution channel

Unit 4: (Promotion and Marketing)

  • Promotion and Recent developments in marketing:
  • Promotion: Nature and importance of promotion; Communication process; Types of
  • Promotion: advertising, personal selling, public relations & sales promotion, and their
  • Distinctive characteristics. Recent developments in marketing: Social Marketing,
  • Online marketing, direct marketing, services marketing, green marketing, Rural Marketing
  • Consumerism

Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller

Marketing Management by Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Alexander Chernev, and Jagdish N. Sheth

Marketing for Dummies by Alexander Hiam

Principle of Accounting

Unit-I: Introduction to Accounting

  • Introduction to Accounting:
  • Importance – Objectives – Principles.
  • GAAP : Accounting Concepts and Conventions. Accounting System
  • Double Entry System
  • Recording Business Transactions
  • Classification of Accounts
  • Accounting Cycle
  • Users of Accounting Information.

Unit-2: Accounting Process

  • The Accounting Process
  • Overview: Accounting Process.
  • Books of Original Record:
  • Journal – Ledger – Trial Balance
  • Classification of Capital and Revenue Expenses –
  • Final Accounts with Adjustments
  • Cash Book and other Subsidiary books.

Unit-3: (Depreciation)

  • Depreciation: Concept
  • Methods of Depreciation: their impact on measurement of business Accounting
  • Straight Line Method
  • Written down Value Method
  • Shares and Debentures: Entries for Issue of shares
  • Forfeiture
  • Issue of shares at Discount and premium
  • Issue and Redemption of Debentures.

Unit-4: (Financial Analysis)

  • Working Capital: Statement of Changes in Working Capital
  • Funds from Operations
  • Paid Cost and Unpaid Costs.
  • Financial Analysis: Introduction to Funds Flow Statement
  • Cash Flow Statement vs. Funds Flow Statement
  • Preparation and Analysis of Cash Flow Statement

Unit-5: (Tools for Financial Analysis )

  • Financial Statement Analysis: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements from Investor
  • Horizontal Analysis and Vertical Analysis of Company Financial
  • Statements – Liquidity – Leverage Solvency and Profitability Ratios.
  • Du Pont Chart – Window Dressing – Limitations of Financial Statements.
  • Accounting Standards (AS) Issued by ICAI-IFRS.
  • Case Study on Financial Reporting & Analysis (FRAs).

Accounting All-in-One for Dummies (3rd Edition) by Kenneth W. Boyd

Financial Accounting: IFRS Edition (13th Edition) by John Wiley & Sons

Advanced Accounting (12th Edition) by David H. Jensen, Robert N. Anthony, and Darrell E. Hawk

Tools and Frameworks of Decision-Making

Unit 1: Introduction to Decision Making

  • Introduction to decision making concepts and challenges
  • Types of decision making: individual, group, strategic, tactical, etc.
  • Rationality and bounded rationality in decision making
  • Ethical considerations in decision making

Unit 2: Quantitative Tools for Decision Making

  • Data analysis and interpretation: descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, regression analysis
  • Decision theory: expected value, decision trees, utility theory
  • Forecasting techniques: time series analysis, regression forecasting
  • Optimization models: linear programming, integer programming, network analysis

Unit 3: Qualitative Tools for Decision Making

  • Problem structuring and framing
  • Brainstorming and creativity techniques
  • Group decision-making methods: Delphi technique, nominal group technique
  • Scenario planning and gaming

Unit 4: Behavioral Decision Making

  • Cognitive biases and heuristics affecting decision making
  • Prospect theory and loss aversion
  • Framing effects and anchoring
  • Individual differences in decision making styles

Unit 5: Advanced Tools and Frameworks

  • Game theory and competitive analysis
  • Negotiation strategies and tactics
  • Risk management and decision making under uncertainty
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning in decision making

Strategic Management and Business Decision Making by John R. Bryson

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts by Annie Duke

Qunatitative Communication and Soft skills

Unit I : (Intorduction to communication)

  • Purpose and process of communication: Objectives of Communication-Process of Communication
  • Types of communication; noise, listening skills
  • Types of listening
  • Essentials of good listening and tips.
  • Conversational skills (formal and informal) – group discussion.

Unit 2 : (Role of communication)

  • Managing Organizational Communication: Formal and Informal Communication
  • Interpersonal and Intrapersonal communication
  • Role of Emotion in Interpersonal Communication
  • Barriers to Interpersonal Communication
  • Exchange Theory-Gateways for Effective Interpersonal Communication.

Unit – 3: (Non- Verbal communication)

  • Non verbal communication and Body Language: Kinesics, Proxemics, Paralanguage, Haptics, handshakes
  • Appropriate body language and mannerisms for interviews
  • Business etiquettes- across different cultures.

Unit – 4 : (Written communication)

  • Written communication:
  • Mechanics of writing, report writing- business correspondence
  • business letter format
  • Meetings and managing meetings- Resume writing
  • Formats and Skills

Unit- 5 : (Presentation skills)

  • Presentation skills: prerequisites of effective presentation, format of presentation
  • Assertiveness –strategies of assertive behavior
  • Communication skills for group discussion and interviews,
  • Interview Techniques.

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Al Switzler, and Ron McMillan

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves

The Presentation Coach: The Complete Guide to Mastering the Art of Public Speaking by Garr Reynolds

MBA 1st Semester Syllabus 2024

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a 2-year postgraduate program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and leadership qualities necessary to succeed in the business world. This intensive program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering core business areas such as finance, marketing, operations management, and accounting.

Through a combination of lectures, case studies, group projects, and simulations, students gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by businesses in today’s dynamic world. Graduates of the program are well-prepared for leadership roles in a variety of industries.

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So, This is the MBA 1st Semester Syllabus. By understanding its structure, content, and assessment methods, you can transform it into a powerful tool for your academic success. Because this syllabus is not just a list of subjects but it is a map to guide your learning journey. So, utilize it to plan your study approach, identify resources, and connect with your professors. With dedication and a strategic approach, you can master the 1st semester and propel yourself towards achieving your MBA goals....

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