Measurement Conversion

Sometimes, we need to convert between different units of measurement to compare or calculate different quantities. For example, we may need to convert from metres to centimetres or from kilograms to pounds. To do this, we need to use conversion factors, which are ratios that relate one unit to another. For example, the conversion factor from metres to centimetres is 100, because 1 metre is equal to 100 centimetres. Similarly, the conversion factor from kilograms to pounds is 2.205, because 1 kilogram is equal to 2.205 pounds.

To convert from one unit to another, we need to multiply or divide by the appropriate conversion factor.

For example, to convert 5 metres to centimetres, we need to multiply by 100:

5 m × 100 = 500 cm

To convert 3 kilograms to pounds, we need to multiply by 2.205:

3 kg × 2.205 = 6.615 lb

To convert 10 seconds to milliseconds, we need to multiply by 1000:

10 s × 1000 = 10000 ms

To convert 25 degrees Celsius to kelvin, we need to add 273.15:

25 °C + 273.15 = 298.15 K


Measurement is a technique that is required to measure and quantify various parameters of an object. Measurement is the essential metric to express any quantity of objects, things, and events that help us to compare that object with other similar objects. In our daily lives, we use measurement in various ways such are weighing vegetables at the mandi, measuring milk and petrol, etc.

In this article, we will learn about, Measurement Definition, Measurement Unit Table, Examples of measurement, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • Measurement Definition
  • Measurement Unit Table
  • Types of Measurement
  • Measurement Conversion
  • Measurement Instruments
  • Application of Measurement

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