Mechanism of Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are needed for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Digestive Enzymes are a group of enzymes that is responsible for the breaking down of polymeric micromolecules into their simpler parts, in conductive to facilitate their absorption into the cells of body.

There are various types of Digestive enzymes, but the main three types produced in the pancreas are as follows:-

  • Amylase
  • Protease
  • Lipase


The production of amylase is mostly found in the pancreas, but also in the salivary glands and small intestine. Amylase breaks carbohydrates(starch and sugars) into simple sugars(glucose). The beginning of the chemical digestion of food is by salivary amylase. This is the main reason that it is crucial for people to take time while eating and chewing food. The ptlylin (one type of amylase), is made in the salivary glands and begins to act on starches while the food is still present in the mouth. Even after swallowing food, it remains active.

The production of pancreatic amylase is in the pancreas and moved to the small intestine. In this part, it abides to split down starch molecules into sugars, which are digested into glucose by other enzymes. Afterward, it is absorbed into the body’s blood circulation through the small intestine’s wall.


The production site of protease is the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. It is responsible for the main breakdown of proteins and polypeptides from plants and animals and for proline dipeptides from gluten and casein. The release of protease enzyme is by the pancreas into the proximal small intestine, where it got mixed by gastric secretions and broken down into amino acids, the building blocks of protein, that got absorbed and used by the body.


The lipase enzyme breaks fatty acids into fats and oils. The production site of lipase is the pancreas and small intestine. Amylase and protease do a good job of breaking down carbohydrates and proteins, the other enzyme known to be breakdown of fats, oils, and triglycerides is lipase. Lipase is essential for the whole digestion of fats into their smaller components of fatty acids.

Digestion Of Food

Food is a substance taken from outside that nourishes the body, builds tissues, and supplies energy. Essential components of our food are mainly carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Vitamins and minerals are also needed in small quantities. Water plays a crucial role in metabolic processes and also prohibits dehydration of the body. Our body cannot utilize biomolecules in food in their original form hence they have to be converted into simple substances in the digestive system. 

Digestion is known as the process of conversion of complex food substances into simple absorbable forms. The digestive system carries out the latter through mechanical and biochemical methods. Absorption is the process by which nutrients pass from the alimentary canal into blood and lymph through its mucosa. The absorbed food materials are carried by blood and lymph. The lymph is finally moved to the blood circulation. The blood transports absorbed food materials to different tissues where food materials are utilized for various activities like energy, growth, and repair. This process is called assimilation.

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Mechanism of Digestive Enzymes

Enzymes are needed for the proper functioning of the digestive system. Digestive Enzymes are a group of enzymes that is responsible for the breaking down of polymeric micromolecules into their simpler parts, in conductive to facilitate their absorption into the cells of body....

FAQs on Digestion of Food

Question 1: What is Digestion?...