Mechanism Of Parapatric Speciation

Parapatric Speciation is one of nature’s innovations. In this case, most of the time, the creation of new species completely depends on the will of the creature. In this case, an example will be appropriate to think about it. Suppose, in any area, there is a group of species located. In a certain region from east to west, they are situated. In the case of Parapatric Speciation, the groups which are located at the extreme west of their region can only mate with their neighbors. This means they can’t be able to randomly mate with any creature which stays in the east of the region.

The same thing goes for the creature which stays on the east side of the region. They can only mate with creatures located in the extreme east. They can’t be able to mate with any creature which stays in the west. So, in such cases, there is not any restriction of gene flow. The creature of the east can able to come close to the creature of the west. But they can’t be able to mate. This creates an invisible barrier between the group of creatures.

In this way, they will create a new subspecies of those creatures. At some point in time, there will be reproductive isolation can be witnessed. This means those groups can’t ever mate with each other if they ever think about them also. In this way, the new species developed from the existing species.

Parapatric Speciation

Evolution is an important process in nature. This is the main process by which new species get developed from their ancestors. This needs a long time to complete. Millions of millions of years passed by to get the end of a particular evolution process. But scientists can’t even talk about the end of the evolution process. It is a never-ending process of nature. Evolution is a large process. This process can be divided into subprocesses also. Speciation is one of the important steps of evolution.


Speciation is the process to create a new species from the existing species. It helps to derive a new species from one or different ancestors. The main goal is to develop a new species with the help of nature. But sometimes it may occur without the help of nature also. But for that, there should be strong willpower of the creature. Without the help of nature, evolution is challenging to complete. So, some speciation that doesn’t take the help of nature in a large means, is rare in nature.

Depending upon the process & the driving force of the speciation, it can be divided into some categories. They are Allopatric Speciation, Parapatric Speciation, Peripatric Speciation, and Sympatric Speciation.

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FAQs on Parapatric Speciation

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