Median of Ungrouped Data

Median formula is calculated by two methods,

  • Median Formula (when n is Odd)
  • Median Formula (when n is Even)

Now let’s learn about these formulas in detail.

Median Formula (When n is Odd)

If the number of values (n value) in the data set is odd then the formula to calculate the median is,

Median Formula (When n is Even)

If the number of values (n value) in the data set is even then the formula to calculate the median is:


Median is the middle value of any data when arranged in ascending or descending order. Suppose we have the height of 5 friends as, 171 cm, 174 cm, 167 cm, 169 cm, and 179 cm, then the median height of the friends is calculated as, first arranging the data in ascending order, 167 cm, 169 cm, 171 cm, 174 cm, 179 cm. Now clearly observing the data we see that 171 cm is the middle term in the given data thus, we can say that the median height of the friends is, 171 cm.

In this article, we have covered, median definition, examples of median, median formula and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • Median Definition
  • Median Formula
  • Median of Ungrouped Data
  • Median of Grouped Data
  • How to Find Median?
  • Application of Median Formula

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