Memory Efficiency Comparison: Yield vs. Generator

In this example, below code compares memory usage between a list-based approach (without yield) and a generator-based approach (with yield) for generating a sequence of squares up to a specified limit. The generator-based approach demonstrates superior memory efficiency, especially for large limits, as it generates values on-the-fly without storing the entire sequence in memory.

# Without Yield (List-Based Approach)
import sys

def generate_squares_list(limit):
    squares = [num ** 2 for num in range(limit)]
    return squares

# With Yield (Generator-Based Approach)

def generate_squares_yield(limit):
    for num in range(limit):
        yield num ** 2

# Memory Comparison

limit = 10**6  # Set a large limit for demonstration purposes

# Without Yield (List-Based Approach)
squares_list = generate_squares_list(limit)
memory_usage_list = sys.getsizeof(squares_list)

# With Yield (Generator-Based Approach)
squares_yield = generate_squares_yield(limit)
memory_usage_yield = sys.getsizeof(squares_yield)

print(f"Memory usage without yield: {memory_usage_list} bytes")
print(f"Memory usage with yield: {memory_usage_yield} bytes")

Memory usage without yield: 8697472 bytes
Memory usage with yield: 128 bytes


In conclusion, leveraging generators in Python is a powerful strategy for achieving memory-efficient code, particularly in situations where handling large datasets or dynamic data streams is essential. The lazy evaluation approach of generators allows for on-the-fly generation of values, reducing the overall memory footprint and enabling the processing of data in a scalable and efficient manner.

How to Use Yield Keyword for Memory Efficient Python Code

We are given a task to understand how to use the yield keyword for memory-efficient Python code with the help of different examples with their code. In this article, we will see how to use the yield keyword for memory-efficient Python code.

What is the Yield Keyword?

The yield keyword in Python is used in the context of generator functions and is fundamental to creating iterators efficiently. It allows a function to pause its execution and yield a value to the caller without losing its state. When the function is called again, it resumes execution from where it left off.

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