How to usesub() method in R Language

The sub() method in R is used to replace the specified part of the string with a new string. The usage of the sub() method is compatible with the regular expressions as well,. It has the following syntax : 

Syntax: sub(search, replacement, str)

Arguments : 

  • search – The search term to look into the string
  • replacement – The new string to replace the search term with
  • str – The string to carry out the replacement in


# creating a dummy string 
str <- "Hi Neena, Reena, Teena"
print("Input String")
# replace the last comma with &
out_str <- sub(",([^,]*)$", " &\\1", str) 
print("Output String")


[1] "Input String"
[1] "Hi Neena, Reena, Teena"
[1] "Output String"
[1] "Hi Neena, Reena & Teena"

Replace Last Comma in Character with &-Sign in R

A string in R is a sequence of characters which contains numbers, characters, and special symbols. The characters can be modified, inserted as well as deleted in the strings. R provides a large variety of functions and external packages to carry out the string amendments. In this article, we are going to see that how to Replace Last Comma in Character with &-Sign in R Programming Language.

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