Method 2 : Using tidyr package

The package can be downloaded and installed into the working space using the following syntax : 


The spread method of this package can be used to reshape the data from long to wide format in R. The method is used to append a new column for each unique value of the key column. These unique set of values will form the names for new columns.


spread (data-frame, key, value)

Example: Reshape dataframe from long to wide


# create first dataframe
data_frame1 < -data.frame(col1=c(rep('Grp1', 2), rep('Grp2', 2), rep('Grp3', 2)),
                          col2=rep(1: 3, 2),
print("Original DataFrame")
# reshaping the data
data_frame_mod < -  spread(data_frame1,
print("Modified DataFrame")


 col1    1    2    3 
1 Grp1    a    b <NA> 
2 Grp2    d <NA>    c 
3 Grp3 <NA>    e    f

Reshape DataFrame from Long to Wide Format in R

In this article, we will discuss how to reshape dataframe from long to wide format in R programming language.

The data in the dataframe is recognized by the format in which the storage and retrieval happens. Duplicate key-value pairs exist in dataframe and can be rearranged using the following methods.

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Method 2 : Using tidyr package
