Create a summary table of the particular column

In this approach to create the summary table of a particular column, the user has to create a vector of the column names and pass it as the parameter of the describe function to get the summary of the provided columns names from the dataframe in the R programming language.


describe(dataframe[ , c('column1', 'column2',........,'column n')],fast=TRUE)


In this example, we are going to get the summary table for subjects and percentages using describe function in the R language.


# load the library
# create dataframe
# get the summary table for subjects and percentage
describe(data[ , c('subjects', 'percentage')],fast=TRUE)


How to Create Summary Tables in R?

In this article, we will discuss how to create summary tables in R Programming Language.

The summary table contains the following information:

  • vars: represents the column number
  • n: represents the number of valid cases
  • mean: represents the mean value
  • median: represents the median value
  • trimmed: represents the trimmed mean
  • mad: represents the median absolute deviation
  • min: represents the minimum value
  • max: represents the maximum value
  • range: represents the range of values
  • skew: represents the skewness
  • kurtosis: represents the kurtosis
  • se: represents the standard error

Initial Data frame:

Let’s create a dataframe with 5 rows and 4 columns.


# create dataframe
data = data.frame(id=c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 
                  subjects=c("java", "java", "python"
                             "python", "R"), 
                  marks=c(90, 89, 77, 89, 89),
                  percentage=c(78, 89, 66, 78, 90))
# display


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Method 1: Using Describe() function with dataframe


Method 2: Using Describe() with fast parameter

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