Iterative Approach

The concept involves utilizing binary numbers to systematically generate the power set of a provided set of elements in a lexicographically ordered manner.


  • The string is sorted in lexicographic order by converting it into an array, sorting it, and joining it back into a string.
  • Now generates all possible binary representations of subsets by looping integers from 0 to 2^n – 1, where n is the length of the string.
  • For each binary representation, it creates the corresponding subset, where ‘1’s indicate character inclusion, and ‘0’s indicate exclusion.
  • The subsets are sorted in lexicographic order and then printed to the console.

Example: In this code we print the power set in lexicographical order with iterative approach by using JavaScript.


function generatePowerSet(s) {
    // Sort the string in lexicographical order
    s = s.split('').sort().join('');
    const n = s.length;
    const subsets = [];
    // Generate all possible binary strings of 
    // length n
    for (let i = 0; i < 2 ** n; i++) {
        // Convert the integer i to a binary 
        // string of length n
        let binary = i.toString(2).padStart(n, '0');
        let subset = '';
        // Generate the subset based on the 
        // binary string
        for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            if (binary[j] === '1') {
                subset += s[j];
    // Sort the subsets in lexicographically order
    // Print the subsets in sorted order
    for (let subset of subsets) {
const s = '123';



JavaScript Program to Find Power Set in Lexicographic Order

Power set P(S) of a set S is the set of all subsets of S. For example S = {1, 2, 3} then P(s) = {{}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}}.

This JavaScript code generates and sorts the power set of an input string in lexicographic order, listing all possible subsets from the empty set to the full set. It uses a binary representation approach for efficient subset generation.


Input: 123
Output : 1 12 123 13 2 23 3

Table of Content

  • Recursive Approach
  • Iterative Approach
  • Bit manipulation

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