Monostate/Borg Singleton Design pattern

Singleton behavior can be implemented by Borg’s pattern but instead of having only one instance of the class, there are multiple instances that share the same state. Here we don’t focus on the sharing of the instance identity instead we focus on the sharing state. 

# Singleton Borg pattern
class Borg:

    # state shared by each instance
    __shared_state = dict()

    # constructor method
    def __init__(self):

        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state
        self.state = 'w3wiki'

    def __str__(self):

        return self.state

# main method
if __name__ == "__main__":

    person1 = Borg()    # object of class Borg
    person2 = Borg()    # object of class Borg
    person3 = Borg()    # object of class Borg

    person1.state = 'DataStructures'  # person1 changed the state
    person2.state = 'Algorithms'     # person2 changed the state

    print(person1)    # output --> Algorithms
    print(person2)    # output --> Algorithms

    person3.state = 'Geeks'  # person3 changed the
    # the shared state

    print(person1)    # output --> Geeks
    print(person2)    # output --> Geeks
    print(person3)    # output --> Geeks




Double Checked Locking Singleton Design pattern

It is easy to notice that once an object is created, the synchronization of the threading is no longer useful because now the object will never be equal to None and any sequence of operations will lead to consistent results. 
So, when the object will be equal to None, then only we will acquire the Lock on the getInstance method.

# Double Checked Locking singleton pattern
import threading

class SingletonDoubleChecked(object):

    # resources shared by each and every
    # instance

    __singleton_lock = threading.Lock()
    __singleton_instance = None

    # define the classmethod
    def instance(cls):

        # check for the singleton instance
        if not cls.__singleton_instance:
            with cls.__singleton_lock:
                if not cls.__singleton_instance:
                    cls.__singleton_instance = cls()

        # return the singleton instance
        return cls.__singleton_instance

# main method
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # create class X
    class X(SingletonDoubleChecked):

    # create class Y
    class Y(SingletonDoubleChecked):

    A1, A2 = X.instance(), X.instance()
    B1, B2 = Y.instance(), Y.instance()

    assert A1 is not B1
    assert A1 is A2
    assert B1 is B2

    print('A1 : ', A1)
    print('A2 : ', A2)
    print('B1 : ', B1)
    print('B2 : ', B2)


A1 :  __main__.X object at 0x02EA2590
A2 : __main__.X object at 0x02EA2590
B1 : __main__.Y object at 0x02EA25B0
B2 : __main__.Y object at 0x02EA25B0

Singleton Method – Python Design Patterns

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